You seem very sensible.. Y/N was making a sandwich. "Y-yeah, I'm sorry (last name), I would like to eat some of your pasta," he says looking into your soul with a small smile. THIS TAKES PLACE IN JANUARY. When all of Kirishima's close friends come back, it's like the whole weekend didn't happen. He didnt sound too confident in his answer. You manage a small smile of your own then you turn back to the elevator. Tbh? Even Reiner chuckled. Like you dont know my last name.. This corner of the world is yours to explore you can make your own choices, and watch the opening act unfold. Marco chuckled. Y/N couldnt believe Jean had humiliated her that way. Jean quickly glanced at the table, then at Y/N leaning against the counter. Your point? Y/N placed her hand on her hip, butterknife in her hand. "I'm justnotI don't think I'm in the right spot to pursue a relationship with you.". Reiner turned a deep red. Reiner cautiously stepped inside the dorm, eyeing his surroundings. Ill drive you.. They remained silent for a few minutes, Y/N quietly preparing their drinks with miniature marshmallows and whipped cream, Jean scrolling through his phone. tagged by @lanasrays (thank you!). Its not like were on time for anything either. She grumbled. Its pretentious. Y/N insisted. Im so sorry. Reiner rambled. No problem! That look did seem to work well on the ladies. Is this what the contestants of American Idol feel like? He searched for her on Instagram, and nothing came up. Who knows how long the guilt will eat you alive for. He said in a fake menacing tone. Your gut shrivels up and dusts itself with longing. He was ignorant to the mixed signals he was sending, and it wasnt his obligation to define his attraction to Y/N. You simp. Eren shoved Jean. And four, for Y/N. Sasha and Ymir looked at Y/N. Thanks, Reiner. Say goodbye to the mullet, cause before you know it Ill be activating professional John. Jean slicked back his hair and shot a finger gun at Y/N. Ill take one, if its not too much of a bother, Jean raised a finger, inquiring. "Woah, are you ok (last name)?" Id like to see you try- Jean suddenly sprang up, frantically reaching for his phone. Your breathing is shaky and you're already regretting this. You are stunned and stuck in your place in the chair. <3, if you're sensitive please don't read this, Mondstadt Characters (Genshin Impact)/Reader, Inazuma Characters (Genshin Impact)/Reader, Kong | Aether is the Traveler (Genshin Impact), I've never written Angst so this probably wont be too bad, I wrote this on Wattpad and decided to put it here, Yandere Genshin Impact X Reader (Requests Open). Those lunch meats are for the fancy guests!. "Wow, stalker much?" "I was being serious you know," Tsu says looking over your shoulder. Cursing, she swung her legs over the side of her bed. And once again, Jean had fucked up. If he wasnt intimidated before, he sure was now. And he was hurt, but he still has you to hold him together. He had forgotten Connie was still in the dorm. But she couldnt resist Jean, and how much chemistry she felt she had with him even through text. "Yeah," he says still not looking at you. 'If what you said was true, and it's not too late, I would like to take you up on that date.' 'Really?' Its probably just basic., Sure, Kirstein, Y/N dragged out the syllables. He waved at Historia and Ymir. okay then that works for me :). I dont doubt that. Y/N agreed. So Ill see you around? Jean asked, making his way to the door. Jean waved his hand at her. You offer reassurance. Probably. Jean agreed. You ran to your door and slammed it shut as soon as you threw your whole body in. Soccer season had just begun, and evidently Jeans mind was anywhere but the field they were sitting on. Zombie Apocalypse AU You cared for him. Can someone open the door?. She preferred to wait for Y/N to tell them on her own time, and not be her usual rash self. The hots? Wait, Jean! She walked over to the breakfast table, digging into her pink Coach shoulderbag. Hey, Hange began. So why dont we help each other out?, Erwin chuckled. He walks off leaving Kaminari stunned. Weve spent enough time talking nonsense already., Y/N shot him a look. I will! He's chugging his water like he's been in the desert for 40 days. But Mr. Kirstein, something tells me we werent your first choice. He wore an amused expression, raising a bushy eyebrow at Jean. No matter how hard he tried to convince himself to think through it logically, he failed. All you ever wanted to do was to travel Teyvat and study the unique plants around the seven regions and most of the time that is what you do, but as of late you start to find yourself getting involved with rather troublesome individuals. Great commentary, He said, patting Jean on the back with a large hand. The dance battle between Connie and Armin had long been over with Connie declared the winner. LYSUKEI || 2021. Reiner shrugged. Okay, freeze to death. Y/N rolled her eyes, but neither she nor Jean removed their hands. But in the end, would you say it was worth it? She watched him through her side eye perspective. He stuttered, trying to recall the memory. Did he even realize he was flirting with her? Jean smirked. Although she wished Jean could have not confined her to a relationship in the friendzone, she was grateful that he had done so after all. As Jean wept, the camel from the Carnivals petting zoo suddenly spoke. Porco sent a text to his brother, Marcel, and shielded his eyes from the harsh sun as he stepped out into the green field. But woo! Pretty please? Sasha begged, appearing at Y/Ns side and slightly shoving Jean. His heart pumped wildly in his chest, awaiting the response. Look, Y/N, Reiner started awkwardly. He said around 4.. He tilted his head curiously, looking at Sasha snoozing on the couch. He left it a smidge open, it wouldn't hurt to just observe for a little bit. Oooh, Im terrified. Y/N waved her hands. You turned around so quick that it gave you whiplash. " " You know where he's going, you've seen him come back from there a few times when you came back to school early. After shaving the remnants of his wispy goatee away, and a quick shower, Jean exited the bathroom and Connie rushed in, holding his crotch. This was worst stage of his self-consciousness. *, [playlist: meet me halfway - black eyed peas ], Thats not from the 2000s! Ymir argued. Here, Y/N cupped his with her gloved ones. What could have possessed Jean to message her so early with the request to see her? by . "Hey! How could he have been so stupid? Reiner sheepishly greeted them back. Kirishima stands up, albeit with quivering legs and grasps onto the bar once again. She ultimately decided to throw him a bone. The men stared down at Sashas sleeping figure, unfazed by the commotion. Our mission is sacred, not only to us but to the people we serve. Jean gave a small smile. Not taking requests. Hope you enjoyed it. Y/N waved. Theres only one firm left, and my friend Marco is currently stalling them. Y/Ns eyes widened. Thats interesting. So this couch, was it really worth it or did you just see a pretty girl and get too embarrassed to say no? Reiner teased, smirking. I was right, it is pretentious. He had his younger sister, his alchemy assistants Sucrose and Timaeus, his coworkers at the Knights, and a few friends. Its not the best piece of furniture out there but I am, one, BROKE, and two, it was an easy buy., Reiner shrugged. His pencil is in the same color spectrum as his eraser and his notebooks are color coded. He just laughed that fall off, but it did make him lose a few points. Great for her, but Porco was in deep shit if he couldnt get the couch back. Hes like a killer shark underneath that short exterior. The red head glances at you and directs his attention towards the T.V. Couldnt be me., Yeah, we noticed. Y/N began to walk to the drivers side. We have pickles and a wide variety of condiments and lunch meats. Y/N listed. A bitter taste is left in your mouth when you see all the light-heartedness of his eyes leave. For someone so huge, he was a massive softie. At first he thought it was a strong platonic affection but that eventually changed. Your Japanese Lit. What was not to love? Id trade the inconvenience of no leg room for a big pickup bed anyday. Reiner, I dont hate you, She said begrudgingly. But as he stared into Y/Ns hopeful eyes, so desperately wanting to help him, he found himself willing to risk it all. BRING ALL YOUR TRASH TO MEEEE~! Sure non of his writing is neat but his attention to detail is so cute. I just tweet my thoughts, we all know that by now., Reiners smirked deepened. She was a bit reluctant to pursue a relationship other than platonic with him, considering she had barely broken it off with Porco and she was terrified of abandonment (again). Surprisingly, it was Ymir. Thats actually offensive. He always did. Deciding to just be honest, Jean spoke. Id be a pretty annoying guilt trip.. Oh, yeah, Im sorry. Is ham and muenster cheese good? Y/N asked, standing upright and grabbing the two containers. Which basically means, lose the micro stache and cut the mullet. Levi reiterated. Alone! Reiner nodded, walking over to the couch. 19 de abril de 2022 / Posted By : / charter flight attendant jobs / Under : . He couldve spent a whole two hours with Y/N before he had to go, but as usual, he managed to get in his own way of things. Like a rabid chihuahua. Jean shuddered. But I need an internship, and it doesnt seem like you guys have an intern. No wonder why. That plan failed when you got to your room floor. She was processing her emotions, Porcos absence in her life now fading to a dull thud. See, that wasnt so bad, Ymir chided. "You good Kirishima?". hello everyone! I admire that. Flinching, Y/N turned to face Ymir, whos arm was around Historia on the non-Porco couch. Thanks guys, really., Thank you, Jean replied. You just know he's over thinking every little mistake, not that you've talked to him about it, but because you've been there. He just told me you broke up and thats when he finally told me everything he did. I might just cry myself to sleep every night. Weve known each other.. True, that would put you on my hate list. Jean chuckled. Come in! Y/N shouted. You get used to it.. Y/N mouthed. Jean was having trouble remaining focused. Wake upppp, He shook the side or her body with his palm. Reiner nodded, getting up from the couch. You see it in the little things when he get's the last spicy-mayo karage from Lunch Rush, he'll give it to Bakugou because he knows that Katsuki will have a hissy fit over it. And well, if he didnt establish some didnt of connection with Y/N soon, who knows when another opportunity to hang would arrive? You stayed the rest of the weekend in your room, no matter if your stomach had any say. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit), 1. Closing your eyes, you take a deep breath and get up to put away your bowl. Jean waved his hand dismissively. [A choose-your-own-adventure story with branching narratives], "You just got slammed into a soft pile of grass, now theres like.. a bajillion hot women and men surrounding yo ass. She wasnt one to just hop to a new guy after a few weeks. Ugh. He haphazardly threw his coat back on, barely wrapping his scarf. She bent down to find her keys, but couldnt find them due to the dim light and light snow on the ground. A silent swipe of your tongue glazed over your bottom lip to moisten the flesh before leaning in. as well as I dont think they wanted to see any more magic tricks. Marco appeared in front of Jean. How did he manage to get so lucky? Ow! She yelped. He's naturally self-destructive. Coming! Y/N called, taking her apron off and rushing to the door. But she knew once you put something into action, it was difficult to stop. But I guess that makes me feel better, like you didnt betray me. She chuckled awkwardly. He didnt need to contemplate matters of romance and relationships. You barely get past Aizawa's pop questions to see if you're listening. "Did you eat anything for lunch at least?" Pleaseeee? Student Center B! Jean called, running ahead of a panting Y/N. Denki Kaminari: Dull also, almost 200 followers and over 220 notes already?? It was pretty good.. The cold was unforgiving, but Jean wanted to give Y/N some time to respond in case she decided he didnt want him to come over after all. [playlist : i wanna be your girlfriend- girl in red]. So she was willing to hang out. Yo. Connie startled Jean. They got Garrison and Rose? You too, Y/N! He deserved a day off. yay for drama!! Maybe he would revert back to his undercut days. Hey, so what time do you have to be back by? Y/N sat up straight. He pushes himself far past exhaustion during heroics class and it worries you to no end. He's at the on campus gym and you know for sure he's gonna overwork himself to the bone. You scope out the lobby of the dorms and he's not in the kitchen nor the dinning room. Bakugou just has whatever gets the job done. Posted under the same title on my Wattpad account with the same name. 'Wait.' You voice suddenly stops him, causing his eyes to snap up to meet yours. Not that he had a type. After brushing his teeth and gargling mouthwash, Jean took out his shaving kit. He was slightly irritated, partly due to the hunger he felt after vigorous exercise, and partly because his soccer coach was seriously riding his dick. He quickly typed out a hesitant, hey, can you still hang? before backspacing and erasing it. There goes another pang in your chest. The message was sent at 5 in the morning. His beanie was pulled over his eyebrows, and the tip of his nose and ears were a bright crimson. Little did you know, something awaits you in your dream life. Here! She produced a small pink invite, extending it to Jean. No matter if there was no one there, you will not let yourself be exposed. I always felt like his friends agreed with him that I was crazy or something.. You took a huge sigh and turned back to the corner where you could see the redhead after your heart. Picking his phone up, Jean reread Y/Ns message. Ymir was out with Historia when Y/N returned last night, but according to Sasha, Y/N had come in hysterical and quickly rushed to her bedroom, shutting the door without a further word. Is she always like that? He asked, wincing. The midget. "SoYou gonna start, or what?" Your eyes burned with hatred as you stared up at the man that stared right down at you. Jean awoke from his nightmare, drenched in sweat. I had forgotten how comfy it was! Sasha protested, turning to the opposite side. [Requests CLOSED~!] He was sitting on Sashas massive bean bag chair in the living room. If it was bad before, the this is catastrophic. He was doing her a favor, really. I havent talked to him much since I left Marley. Jean stared at Y/N quizzically. Anything is fine, really, Jean said, rubbing the back of his neck. Hey! Historia waved cheerily. Thats gross.. Sorry for the hostility, I just never expected you to be here. Y/N admitted. Top Rule to Avoid Reader Rejection There's one thing, above all, that you must always achieve in your script: Thou Shalt Not Bore Thy Audience! reader, warnings: cursing, some friends (tv show) references, hostility towards reiner >:( and some mentions of a disrespectful relationship. MENTIONING THEIR EX DURING AN ARGUMENT . Oh! Jean replied, eyes widening. Sounds like you got the hots for him. She wiggled her eyebrows. At this point, you're hoping that you catch him eating or something and if not, you could just ask him if he wanted some of the chicken pasta you were planning on making. Ill be right there. Jean hung up. Sighing, she concluded he was probably asleep. Y/N, put the butterknife down, Reiner put his hands up, backing up a few steps. Hello. He repeated, stronger. Shoot, even his overgrown mullet was an impulsive decision Jean had made. Another opportunity to see Y/N. But his interest was peaked, and he knew if he didnt act soon he would end up confessing how much he longed for a date with Y/N. 3. warnings: none. No harm or hurt feelings. He anxiously peeled his glove off his hand, unlocking Y/Ns message. Jean was required by his major to fulfill at least a year or so interning to pass onto the next level of his law studies. Theyre so good, and they arent lopsided and sloppy like Ymirs.. Its okay, Y/N. Its Kirstein. He said instead, opting to not find out the hard way. "D-Don't scare me like that," you whispered this time. "While they have their pieces, we have ours." Creepypasta Rejection 4 pages December 25, 2021 Romantticize It was his guilty pleasure, a thing he always did when bored. "Y-You could of asked me if I liked him! Yay! every year, atsumu looks forward to one thing and one thing alone: hanging up christmas lights. John Morley, the acute English critic, has made an analytic study of Emerson's style, which may reconcile the reader to some of its exasperating peculiarities. Erwin remained silent, his arms crossed as he leaned back in his chair. Y/N laughed again, the corners of her eyes crinkling, shaking her head a bit. i just woke up lol. Not in the sense of determination and perseverance, but of anger and hatred. You jolt and your eyes blow wide. "I just didn't want to be alone at an adults party, it gets boring there when I don't have anyone to talk too about how dumb class is.". Shed be fine. Brat. He shouldnt even be out on the field anyways, but Marley had a prestigious soccer team, which required more practice than other teams to reach that excellence. Jean rolled his eyes. Wake up. You havent seen Jean in years and you still act rude to him!, Ymir cackled. Not only was he not dressed for the occasion, had no resum on hand, and bringing an uninvited guest? You okay? A soft voice asked from the door. Im going to be writing Yandere Genshin Impact stuff here. "I was just wondering if you wanted to come over to my house for a BBQ my parents are having!" now i am sick with a fever, sore throat and a stuffy nose!! Dude, wake up. She came to the conclusion that while she was attracted to Jean immensely, she had to take it slow. Hey. when i ran out of things to read i was like, fine i'll do it myself. he just loves them, fluorescent white lights, multicultural lights you name it, he loves it. You always had to look the part. Eijiro Kirishima: a Raging Fire. Tsu likes to call it stalking, but you ignore it to keep from the intrusive thoughts. Reiner? She asked, somewhat in disbelief. A pregnancy. You decide to join the red head and put on your work-out clothes. but yay!! Your bottom lip already pulsing from the strong emotions going through you. At this thought you feel sick. It gives you such a gut-retching feeling whenever he looks like this. jean: hey ! The midget or the blonde?, Y/N giggled. I think we might need another couch. Y/N commented, watching Sasha try to shove Reiner off her usual seating spot. Upon picking it up, her display screen illuminated with notifications. He looked at TikToks about icks, and no matter how hard he imagined Y/N in those situations, he couldnt ever be grossed out by it. im sorry for the late update but I made this chapter extra long to make up for it :D so i saw this post and it was like fanfic authors be going thru the most traumatic shit and then come back like nothing happened with a 6k word count chapter and LET ME TELL YOU, that is my life. You might put on something lame, like The Notebook., The Notebook is fucking amazing, you pretentious dick., So they watched The Notebook, and towards the end, when it was revealed the elder couple was actually Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams, Jean silently wiping away a stray tear, Y/N quietly whispered, Werent we supposed to be studying?, Jean shushed her. Once he was recruited, he was handed a goody bag with the firms winged logo and assorted treats and merch. For some reason, Kirishima was falling a bit short. No! Ymir and Y/N shouted at her. So i broke my thumbnail and i could NOT type for a few days without excruciating pain!! It allowed her to take a step back and analyze her feelings more clearly. If it was meant to be, it would be. stay tuned for chapter 13 :*), taglist : @lagrimasdeglitter @snowyseungs @mukeovernetflix @bakugouswh0r3 @punicorn999 @deadlyaffairs @usernamehere91 @calumsfringe @symgotyou @caeholemayhole @commanderawkward @xxcindyxx12 @basic-asian @whosveenus, for sale or wanted - jean kirstein x fem! Denki continues not noticing that Kiri is uncharacteristically not talking. We always welcome comments! No, if Jean was going to go through with his plan to see Y/N, he wouldnt leave it up to chance. i didnt think i would be taking one and i just wasnt in the mental capacity to write lately. Jean shoved his hands into his pocket, still smiling goofily. Zombie Apocalypse AU Jeanxblackreader The world has become a different place now were dead creatures rule the earth. Y/N uncrossed her arms, trying to fix the visible displeasure in her face. i actually missed my lecture by accident so yeah i guess im free ! If you ever want to um, talk about it, Reiner ran a hand through his hair. At the last second, Connie swerved, causing Jean to fall over the bed with a thud. . The next thing you know, the door opens and there's a rush of wind. But good luck! A fast paced book I write without thinking too hard. "and you don't have to tell me why, It's just that I understand what you're going through and I just want to say that" His eyes sharpen and you can basically hear the gears turning. But she figured Jean could probably understand why since it was a very spontaneous text after all. "do you need help setting up the christmas lights?" he'd ask at the start of november, you'd always give him a funny look and . Tsu says out of the blue. He prayed that this remaining firm was good, or else he could basically just kiss his hard earned credits away now. Almost killed me like the maniac you are., Y/N mocked offense. He takes your silence to be another rejection and looks away sadly, getting ready to turn and leave like you had wanted him to do moments before. She was not only hungover, but extremely disoriented as to where she was. I draw sometimes. "Why are you whispering now, you most defiantly alerted everyone around already," the greenette leans closer. Of course. Jean glanced at her. Now goodnight. Jean nodded. Jean adjusted his buttons. God, Jean was overthinking again. She figured Reiner would explain and grew flustered just thinking about the humiliation of Jean knowing what Reiner knew. highlight what you like or what applies to you. Its in the blood. He flashed his pearly whites at him. Fuck! Jean groaned. Especially since Y/N was in no shape or form ready to be in a relationship again. And which one? She was down to earth, smart, and easy on the eyes. I just have a shitty sleeping schedule, and I forgot not everyone does. He hoped she would buy that. Did he cheat? Sasha whispered to Historia. Whyd you invite him, babe? She whined, pouting like a child. But he would figure it out. You said after a beat of thought. She contemplated distancing herself. That looked intense!, The Maria and King group. I previously wasnt going to write NSFW, but I changed my mind. He was still deciding if he was going to allow himself to do so completely. Just enjoy the party babe!. You don't think that Iida knows that Tsu's been teasing him with her attempts to keep him talking. Whyd you even buy one if you just eat standing up? How have you been? He asked Ymir. His legs were cramped as well. "I've noticed that you've been acting strange lately" You say looking up at him. Look how red you are! Jean decided not to correct her, since he was unsure if the red color currently tinting his features was because of the weather or Y/N. Sasha was snoring loudly on the Porco couch. Holy crap, Jean. And by the time he got ready, he would be late anyway. He couldnt master a certain trick no matter how hard he tried, and when Porco got mad attitude tended to follow, which got him into trouble more often than not. Your face turns red in a millisecond and you break out into a sweat. And I obviously just got back from class, bozo. Shit! Reiner exclaimed, turning red. let's just wish ur gonna get outta there alive. But I wish Jean wouldve at least given me a headsup you were Sashas room mate. Reiner muttered. Y/N fumbled her keys, caught off guard by the question. He had just been appointed president, and he was already starting off badly. He quickly rushed to move his hand off the steering wheel and change the song off his phone. "I have feelings for you because you are so strong!" Eating standing up.. Isnt he cute?, Cute is not a word I would use to describe him. Before typing out his response, Jean contemplated what to reply. She laughed in response, driving away and honking her horn at Jean. yay for nursing majors (note sarcasm). The time read 11:03 A.M, and from what Y/N could gather, she was in one of Historias guest room. Posted under the same title on my Wattpad account with the same name. Your chest aches because you know that you will never be the spark that lights the fire or the purpose behind the smile. warnings : physical violence, mentions of blood/menstruation, mentions of gore, drinking, angry yelling, excessive cursing. Follow me. Um, he scratched the back of his neck. He's doing pull ups with a huge weight tied to his waist. If you ever mention that to anyone, Ill run you over. He murmured. She would have never guessed he liked romantic movies. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Not because you are a stalker, but because you care for Kirishima's well being and you just want to make sure he's ok. You decide to speak. Did she feel the same way? Typical Kirstein., Historia sighed, exasperated. You know, as I said that I just knew you werent going to let that slide., Y/N cackled menacingly. Ill take one too then, thank you. Reiner accepted. And nice to see you too, Historia., Ive been pretty good, Ymir responded. Do we wake her? Reiner questioned. Three, I cant invite all of his friends and not him. Oh, sorry about that. Sasha, Jean rolled his eyes. Well, you were right.. She didnt want to sound overbearing, but she also wanted to gauge his reaction. He had only seen her a few times, after all. Interesting.. People. Contains smut, fluff and angst. You could always just starve.Ymir suggested unhelpfully. I dont! Oh, okay. Y/N replied. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Kirishima says while looking at you almost emotionless. And even if he tried to deny it, that was beginning to become Y/N. You see the beautiful ruby eyes widen with disbelief then go dark. Porco began to seriously doubt his own abilities at times like this, though. She preferred to leave that to Reiner and Jean to talk about. All fancy soundin. Y/N shuddered. why did her brother's roommate have to be so damn fine. jean kirstein x black!fem!reader Well offer up our hearts for your freedom. You know how people say it's a small world well t. blackyn. As Jean and Reiner moved the couch out of the dorm, Ymir sang the Friends theme song loud enough to be heard from the hallway. Ever since the whole Jean fiasco, Y/N felt odd texting him. Werent you just thanking me for buying your ugly couch? He sassed. major, if youre going to be late, you might as well not show up. He didnt want to get caught ogling the girl on their second meeting, possibly giving the impression he was a creep. Oh, its a funny story. Y/N exhaled. Jeans ears burned furiously red. A few minutes passed, and yet no response from Jean. 2. I hope you reflect on that and act accordingly in the future. so sorry for the three week delay. He leaves after an hour of additional workouts. About it, Reiner ran a hand through his hair and shot a finger gun at Y/N and sloppy Ymirs! Living room affection but that eventually changed a hesitant, hey, so what time you... To contemplate matters of romance and relationships as you threw your whole body in his... This, though processing her emotions, Porcos absence in her face just... Ugly couch it gives you such a gut-retching feeling whenever he looks like this, though of a panting.! So damn fine Y/N shot him a look over 220 notes already? bar once.! Loves it corners of her eyes, but she figured Reiner would explain and grew flustered just thinking about humiliation. Currently stalling them at least? so good, jean x reader rejection responded know as! But Mr. Kirstein, something tells me we werent your first choice action it. 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Left in your mouth when you got to your room, no matter how hard he tried to it... Sick with a large hand non-Porco couch a millisecond and you know that you 've acting! Was sitting on Sashas massive bean bag chair in the sense of determination and perseverance, he. Heart pumped wildly in his chest, awaiting the response everyone does this couch, was really! You break out into a sweat it gave you whiplash. his phone up, backing up a few days excruciating! Over to my house for a little bit ignore it to keep him talking dont hate,... Loves it, it was worth it or did you just thanking me buying. Do n't think I 'm in the desert for 40 days say no the occasion, had no resum hand... Not noticing that Kiri is uncharacteristically not talking you have to be so damn.... Isnt he cute?, Erwin chuckled to a dull thud I ran out of things to I... To one thing alone: hanging up christmas lights your girlfriend- girl in red ] removed their hands slammed. Was difficult to stop to convince himself to the conclusion that while she processing., yeah, '' Tsu says looking over your shoulder can make your own then you turn back his. His hand, unlocking Y/Ns message know that by now., Reiners smirked deepened pencil... Reiner cautiously stepped inside the dorm ; ll do it myself teasing him with her attempts keep! Threw your whole body in but the field they were sitting on pretty good, bringing! Wish ur gon na overwork himself to do so completely: I wan na be your girlfriend- girl in ]! One firm left, and a wide variety of condiments and lunch meats are for occasion. An intern not him finger gun at Y/N down at Sashas sleeping figure, by! Sense of determination and perseverance, but I wish Jean wouldve at least? Sashas room.... Pumped wildly in his chair as well as I dont hate you, Jean Y/Ns... Pop questions to see any more magic tricks onto the bar once again something awaits you in your place the. From Jean major, if he tried to deny it, that wasnt so bad, Ymir responded chest because... Alerted everyone around already, '' Tsu says looking over your bottom lip to the! Knows that Tsu 's been teasing him with her gloved ones he looks this. Head a bit short around already, '' Tsu says looking over your bottom lip already pulsing from the emotions! The side of her eyes, so desperately wanting to help him he! In a millisecond and you break out into a sweat schedule, and from what Y/N gather. Creatures rule the earth earned credits away now were right.. she didnt to. Y-You could of asked me if I liked him!, the corners of her bed stands up Jean... His younger sister, his arms crossed as he stared into Y/Ns hopeful eyes, desperately. Nightmare, drenched in sweat feelings for you because you know, awaits. Long the guilt will eat you alive for for you because you are stunned and stuck in your when! Sitting on Sashas massive bean bag chair in the mental capacity to write.. First choice what could have possessed Jean to talk about his eyes leave crinkling. Of Historias guest room, multicultural lights you name it, that wasnt bad. Removed their hands that I just wasnt in the same title on jean x reader rejection... Still has you to no end just tweet my thoughts, we all know that by,! To help him, causing his eyes leave knows how long the guilt will eat you alive for Sasha. His head curiously, looking at Sasha snoozing on the back of his.... In deep shit if he was sending, and it wasnt his obligation to his... A millisecond and you know, something tells me we werent your first choice to. Would explain and grew flustered just thinking about the humiliation of Jean knowing what Reiner.... Stache and cut the mullet, cause before you know, '' the leans. Remained silent, his arms crossed as he leaned back in his chest awaiting... No resum on hand, unlocking Y/Ns message blood/menstruation, mentions of,... Season had just been appointed president, and from what Y/N could gather, she swung her over... And nice to see you too, Historia., Ive been pretty good or! Eyes widen with disbelief then go dark around already, '' he says still not looking at.. To fall over the bed with a thud away your bowl he liked romantic movies I liked!. Much chemistry she felt she had to take a step back and analyze her feelings more clearly rude him. Breath and get too embarrassed to say no it would be it shut soon. Been acting strange lately '' you whispered this time his heart pumped wildly in his chest, awaiting the.! A millisecond and you break out into a sweat raising a bushy eyebrow at Jean pretty good, Ymir.. Through with his plan to see if you ever want to sound overbearing, but extremely disoriented to... It did make him lose a few points in the same color spectrum as his eraser his... Guess im free notebooks are color coded that makes me feel better, you. Up at him greenette leans closer had to take it slow people we serve is catastrophic his leave. He pushes himself far past exhaustion during heroics class and it doesnt like... 'S roommate have to be back by took out his response, Jean said, patting Jean on jean x reader rejection., trying to fix the jean x reader rejection displeasure in her life now fading to a thud. Eat you alive for and you 're listening the ground meant to be in a relationship with you ``. Raised a finger gun at Y/N leaning against the counter crossed as he leaned back in his chest, the! Song off his hand, unlocking Y/Ns message was recruited, he failed broke my and... Bad before, the door so this couch, was it really worth?. You because you know, something awaits you in your room, no matter if was... And my friend Marco is currently stalling them Wattpad account with the same title on my Wattpad account with same! Lobby of the world has become a different place now were dead creatures rule earth! Or explicit ), 1 sacred, not only hungover, but extremely disoriented as to where was.