steroid inhalers are only useful for preventing an asthma attack, Corn Free Medication: Getting PrescriptionsCompounded. The majority of corn grown in the US is grown to feed to animals - beef cattle, dairy cows, chicken, pork, lamb, and goat. Thick clothing such as denim will bend the needle and must be removed or cut away, costing seconds that could be the difference between life and death. What to do then? Everything you need to know about the corn allergy including what it is, what are symptoms of a corn allergy, treatment, what to avoid, and how to stay safe. Here is a youtube video showing how pills are made by one compounder. I dont know what to do. If you are very allergic/sensitive, the research shows to avoid meats that have been fed corn. Gonzales-Gonzalez, V., Diaz, A., Fernandez, K., and M. Rivera. Read our, The Best and Worst Foods If You Have Allergies. Meaning if you cant find a safe injectable version, ask the hospital staff to allow you to take your own H2 if you have one. An H2 inhibitor, such as ranitidine (zantac) or famotidine (pepcid). Again, make sure any health care professional that considers you a patient knows your allergy history as it is important for your safety. Thank you for your support. An allergist is the most common doctor to diagnose a corn allergy. To find out if you are allergic to corn, you might need to have allergy tests. It can also happen if you eat foods that were made using corn products. Food Allergy Research & Education: "Facts and Statistics," "Other Allergens," "Skin Prick Tests. For example, you might notice that you always get the same symptoms after you eat corn or any food that has corn in it. Thank you! A non-drowsy H1 antihistamine such as levocetirizine (xyzal), cetirizine (zyrtec), fexofenadine (allegra), or loratadine (claritin). Your email address will not be published. That way, emergency responders will know about your allergy even if you are unable to tell them. Related posts: Some reactions include: Even though corn allergy is rare, a reaction is almost immediate and can be severe. Feel free to show your appreciation with a tip! But Im totally okay with doing it right now to reduce the possibility of a life-threatening reaction. RX. The hydroxyzine is compounded and I take 25mg at the same time as the ranitidine, morning and night. I recently developed an allergy to ALL of my prescription medications. If you have a corn allergy, there are foods and ingredients that you should not eat. Even if the menu says allergy friendly you still should research, because it is really difficult to ensure that a chef or kitchen will wipe off any surfaces, open new bags of ingredients, or even use a different set of gloves when preparing food. Wear a medical alert bracelet that says you have a. and get allergy shots. If you look at the inactive ingredients of just about any prescription medication, chances are you will find at *least* one item from the corn allergens list, very likely corn starch. The zein protein is extracted and used in many different applications because it is a tough, glossy, waterproof, grease proof, substance that is used on many things (for example fruits and vegetables) to have them last longer in transportation. If you're concerned, bring your own food. It's given with an injection called EpiPen. Monitor how you feel, how you react, how your digestion is, all of it. She said I couldn't be allergic to the starch because when you have food allergies, she stated your only allergic to the protein. Mast cell stabilizers actually help prevent the release of histamine in the first place, which *should* help prevent rebound reactions as the antihistamines wear off. Corn allergy symptoms can include: Sometimes, an allergy can cause a serious reaction. I will earn a small commission from qualifying purchases. Anyone who has ever fumbled around looking for their asthma inhaler, benadryl, or even car keys to get to those things, knows this from experience. In general compounding pharmacies do not bill insurance for you, so you do have to pay up front and then submit later. cumulative effect, and for sure. Some pharmacists will hand-stuff the pills without the filler but very very few. Yes, corn is kinda a sneaky ingredient that works into a lot of foods you may not think of, like powdered sugar. You may need to see a specialist called an allergist. People who are allergic to corn can have a variety of symptoms that range from mild to severe. The body releases antibodies called immunoglobulin E (IgE) as a defense. Like I said corn starch kills me. The main way to treat a corn allergy is to prevent a reaction in the first place. Isnt that a medication for acid reflux? This is so frustrating! But if you cant, such as if your allergens are in the air, it may be wise to take medication daily to help reduce the possibility of a severe/anaphylactic reaction from an unexpected exposure. We want to reiterate that anaphylaxis is rare. Hope this helps and let me know if you have any other questions. While living with a corn allergy can seem overwhelming and difficult, it isnt insurmountable. The food allergy can cause symptoms like itching, a stuffy nose, and wheezing. They'll rule out other health issues that may cause the same kind of reaction and then do a common test for food allergies called a skin prick test or a scratch test. Whether you need to avoid these medicines with a soy allergy is controversial. I dont hope to be on this kind of medication for the rest of my life. That means that when they wear off, if there is still histamine in your system, your cells will start responding again. Most people with AERD will need to use daily medications to control their symptoms: inhaled corticosteroids for asthma, intranasal steroid sprays or steroid sinus rinses can help to control the nasal symptoms, and nasal polyps can also be treated with steroids injected directly into the polyps. Food labeling rules do not have "corn-free" as a designation. Is erythritol safe? It contains contains albuterol sulfate, but the propellant is not corn ethanol, its tetrafluoroethane (HFA 134a). If you are allergic to corn you can have one or more of the following reactions. And be careful with these products that can have corn in them: baking powder, cornmeal, corn oil, vegetable oil, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, maize, and corn bran. (Its very sedating so I stick with 50mg or less typically). If starch by itself is listed, a call to the manufac-turer is the only wayto confirm the source of the starch. However it is a better starting place than nowhere. I find it to be far more effective than prednisone. Allergic reactions can happen from eating raw or cooked corn. Or really just start out with bringing in your own to reduce variables. It also was done basically in one night on an emergency basis, so it is really just my off-the-cuff response after eyeballing the ingredients list. so I have been going through searching. Well, yes it is, but the mechanism by which it does that is by blocking (antagonizing) histamine receptors. Cornstarch (Food, Drug and Cosmetic Uses) Corn Syrup (Food and Drug Uses) High Fructose Corn Syrup (Food Uses) Maltodextrins (Food Uses) Dextrose (Food and Drug Uses) Corn Oil, Refined (Food and Drug Uses) Additional Resources For more information or corn-free products: Try for their catalog. Many other antibiotics are safe for people with G6PD deficiency. And if you want more delicious, dietary friendly recipes you cansubscribe to my newsletter and follow along onInstagram, Twitter, andFacebook! At a later point, if you don't have an allergy, you can see about adding it back in. From athe Laboratory of Allergic Diseases, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Glycerin. Symptoms range from mild stomach ache or hives to full blown anaphylactic shock. If you have a serious allergy, you will need to be prepared. New research suggests that erythritol, a common artificial sweetener, may increase heart attack and stroke risks. The syringe based auto injectors such as the adrenaclick may not deliver a sufficient dosage of epi. More and more people with corn allergies are looking into mast cell disorders for themselves, so I figure its high time for me to discuss them here. Xyzal and Zyrtec can now becompounded!, Hospital and Medical Safety With a CornAllergy, list of ingredients commonly derived from corn. More if needed. In other words, even though I have a "in control" range - should I avoid anything with corn or just watch how much I consume. Nitrofurantoin and dapsone are additional antibiotics to avoid. In general, I tend to avoid any and all food products that list my own allergies on these advisory statements. List of Commonly Corn Derived Ingredients (Corn Allergens List). Wash all sheets, blankets, pillowcases and bedcovers in hot water that is at least 130 F (54.4 C) to kill dust mites and remove allergens. Look into Perilla Seed Oil, etc. Be careful at picnics and parties where you don't know what's in the food being served. Throughout the test, the person will eat more of the food and the provider watches to see if the person has an allergic reaction. What you put in that advance directive will be individual. I have also had severe GERD and constantly struggled with abdominal discomfort. How to read a food label with a corn allergy. So check food labels carefully. I just mean that if I think I am going somewhere where I could have an airborne exposure, (like Costco on a weekend when all the food samples are out) or if I am in a situation where small children will be climbing all over me and possibly trying to stick hands and objects in my mouth, I take some appropriate precautions. Your email address will not be published. This is called a false-positive test result. With compounding unfortunately you cant really fill just 1 or 2 pills for just a few dollars, as they have to calibrate the machines and all that jazz for 1 pill or for 100. If you notice that you start having symptoms only after you start eating corn again, it can be a sign that you're reacting to it. Vancomycin causes several different types of hypersensitivity reactions, ranging from localized skin reactions to generalized cardiovascular collapse. Finding out you're allergic to corn can be frustrating because so many foods and other products are made with it. Do products that contain corn have an allergen warning on the label? Add in multiple sensitivities, and you will probably have a very hard time with most excipients and inactive ingredients in medications. There are pocket nebulizers for carrying with you however they are still somewhat bulky. Do you know of a reputable national compounding pharmacy that uses pure medication without fillers? In addition to the capsules, medication, and filler, watch out for them stuffing cotton into the bottle to keep the pills from rattling around. Check with your pharmacist. All meats are washed in this solution to make it safer for handling. For the most corn free option- get the omeprozole mixed pure with microcrystalline cellulose. In this test, a provider has a person eat a little bit of the food that might be causing allergy symptoms. Yogurt, cheese, and soda also can have forms of corn. However, it is a growing allergy among both adults and children. Most aren't fatal, but some can be. Obviously avoiding triggers is the best bet, but something else I do is to take both antihistamines and mast cell stabilizers in advance when I know I am going into a dicey situation. His timing couldnt be better, as I am dealing with some pretty horrific seasonal allergies right now. 2015;8:115-123. Lomas JM, Jrvinen KM. Excipients in medicines may not be suitable for some people with a dietary intolerance or allergy: the total exposure to expients needed to trigger symptoms may differ between people with different intolerances and allergies Patients known to be allergic to peanuts should not use medicines containing peanut oil There are many alternatives to meds. So without knowing what specific tests you were doing, I can't speak directly to the numbers for your allergic level. You will need to make sure.) Corn and wheat are the two common allergens you'll find in a variety of excipients, but dairy, and gelatin are also not uncommon. All they want to do is put you on precription antihistamine, prescribe inhalers, Breo, etc. I am going to an allergist next week. Just wanted to share my victory! Food, cosmetics, even glue on envelopes can trigger some people! Compounding pharmacies are pharmacies that get the pure active ingredients for a medication and put them together into custom formulations for you. Getting Medications Compounded. Even if you have used a product before, ingredients are always changing. If you are not usually airborne reactive, have a mask anyway, because it is likely you will be so bombarded with allergens in the hospital that you may become airborne reactive where you usually arent. This article walks you through all aspects of what is a corn allergy, symptoms, what to avoid, what you can still enjoy, and how best to manage your corn allergy. The info on my blog is always free, so you are never obligated. No cheating and going to the grocery store- if it aint in my freezer or growing in a pot in my living room, I cant eat it. Usually the price breaking point where you are paying a decent amount per pill is about 30 days. The term also refers to natural rubber products made from that sap. This is found on the package insert. UltraSal-ER Film-Forming Solution Extended Release, with Applicator. Children who are allergic to corn may have a harder time avoiding it. Ascorbates Ascorbic acid Astaxanthin Baking powder Barley malt Bleached flour Blended sugar (sugaridextrose) Brown sugar Calcium citrate Calcium fumarate Calcium gluconate Calcium lactate Calcium magnesium acetate (CMA) Calcium stearate Calcium stearoyl lactylate Caramel and caramel color Carbonmethylcellulose sodium Cellulose microcrystalline Ketotifen does have some side effects, including sedation and weight gain, so it is not a first choice medication for me for those reasons. The FDA requires a warning for eight major allergens: milk, eggs, fish, shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, and soybean. An h2 antihistamine such as ranitidine (zantac) or famotidine (pepcid). This list will give you some examples of foods and products with corn in them. When cooking for hospital visits, probably go with things that are easy to chew and somewhat bland as if you arent feeling well you may not enjoy chewing or spicy items, and even consider freezing or canning (more on corn-free canning here) some plain bone or meat broth in case youre feeling too ill to tolerate anything else. All material on this blog is intended for reference only and should not take the place of medical advice from a licensed practitioner. If you are in doubt, epi. If you feel better avoiding eating things with corn or corn derived ingredients, I would say to just avoid it. That said, yes, you can totally watch how much corn you eat and see how you feel. Most people, not even medical staff, just cannot understand what corn free is to the degree that we have to avoid it. All grass fed meat are fed a vegetarian diet (which are grain diet I.e corn). Sometimes companies will place advisory statements on their label to say things such as, May Contain or Produced in the same facility as. Consult with your doctor. However the big guys that can ship to every single state rarely use custom filler, and I find it highly likely that you will need to provide your pharmacy with a custom filler you know you tolerate. It unfortunately HAS happened that those with corn allergies have been treated with psych medication instead of antihistamines, or been given medication that they had severe reactions to while they were unconscious or unable to advocate for themselves. The main way to treat a corn allergy is to prevent a reaction in the first place. All eaters welcome! I avoid benadryl due to g6pdd one could also take up to 50mg of benadryl as well. If your child has a corn allergy, make sure their school or daycare knows about it. Hospira brand is safest for me diphenhydramine hcl for injection is safest for me. Hi, Im Laura! Always read labels carefully. Those are made from corn starch. I dont have any scientific evidence of this, but it seems logical that amast cell stabilizermay help to reduce the chance of a rebound reaction. You reference a mildly allergic/sensitivy to corn - what does that equate to? If you cant tolerate that, your best option is to get a nebulizer, which is a device that does the propelling for you. If avoidance isn't possible, you can treat your mild symptoms with antihistamines. If you know you are going to have be inpatient, cook yourself enough meals in advance to cover your planned stay and then some, and keep it in the freezer. Salex Kit, Cleanser and Cream Extended Release. Basically, they need to write "Compounded medication. Basically you have to do your own research and determine what you need to do to make yourself better. My pharmacist, after telling me that he could get me Xyzal in a 25mg quantity from a reseller, emailed me yesterday to tell me that it was backordered and not available at this time, but could be in the future.. It's important to know if your symptoms are from an allergy. Im one of them. Not one doctor ever suggested I get tested for food allergies. If money is a concern, you should be able to find used freezers on craigslist, although youll possibly need to do some work to decontaminate it since it may have had unsafe food in it. I am having trouble finding substitutes that do not have all of the same exact fillers or any fillers for that matter! 4) If you do not tolerate the gloves they use to handle the meds, are they able to switch to a different type? Your doctor might ask you to keep a food diary or try an elimination diet. Anaphylaxis. Chest tightness. However it has really allowed me more freedom to exist in the world without fearing for my life from a reaction to what someone else decides to eat or wear. When you're planning your diet, your healthcare team will help you figure out which foods and products are safe for you. This article will explain the symptoms of a corn allergy, how it's treated, and what you can do to prevent a reaction. Then they'll prick or scratch your skin a little to let a small amount of the solution under your skin.The test feels like a fingernail scratch and doesn't hurt or make you bleed. Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Treatment. Other common terms include pregelatinized starch and sodium starch glycolate. "cornstarch" or "starch (corn)" it can be assumed to be GF. First, are you on the Facebook Corn Allergy group and/or the Delphi Avoiding Corn Forums? If not now, you probably will later. Gluten-free grains*: rice, quinoa, corn, millet, amaranth, teff; Herbal teas; Leafy herbs; Pure peanut butter* *If you have an autoimmune disease or are following The Myers Way, avoid all grains, legumes, and nuts until you are able to successfully reintroduce them to your histamine intolerance diet. Also you can be allergic to many things besides the protein in food. If you have an anaphylactic reaction, call 911 or your local emergency number immediately. Make these tweaks to your diet, home, and lifestyle. This increases the effectiveness of the benadryl (or other h1 antihistamine). Arrowroot starch, tapioca flour, potato flour, potato starch, and white rice flour can all be used as a thickener in sauces and gravies. 2005 - 2023 WebMD LLC. This is less of a big deal to do IV or IM, and can be oral. I still take Nexium or Prevacid but only once every 2-3 days. You need some support, and there may even be a member of one of those groups who is in your state and already has a pharmacy they are working with. It's easy to tell if some foods have corn in them, like cornstarch or popcorn. Here are a few examples of foods that often have corn products like cornstarch, corn syrup, and corn/vegetable oils in them. When you fill your first prescription, less is more. (I originally said you can store stuff on top of it, and then found a TON of manufacturer advice not to do that because it interferes with venting!) Corn and corn products are found in or used to make many foods. I use the Ventolin HFA and sometimes I react to it just a little, so I dont think its entirely corn free, but so far the benefit has outweighed the negative outcomes. For example, you may not have an ingredients list to look at when you're eating at someone else's home or at a restaurant. The signs and symptoms of an anaphylactic reaction include: Anaphylaxis is an emergency because a person can die from it. After doing some research, I found out this horse with blinders attitude by doctors is just bullshit. 14(1):23. Required fields are marked *. If you are an adult, and you are conscious and of sound mind, you legally should always (to my knowledge) have control of your medical care (or the medical care of your dependent child). 5,6 Peanut: Peanut is a well-recognized allergy alert and as such is not found in many medications. These tests often say that a person is allergic to something when they really aren't. Genetics, environment, and the way that genetics and the environment interact (epigenetic factors) probably play a role in corn allergies. They get their medications from a distributor that actually already has excipients, fillers, and inactive ingredients in it. Any help is appreciated. Compare to proton pump inhibitors such as Prilosec (omeprazole). VIR is a rate-dependent infusion reaction, not a true allergic reaction. Similar to the powdered sugar, baking powder uses cornstarch to keep it from clumping. Allergy treatments include: Allergen avoidance. Suddenly my acid reflux and GERD disappeared. Bovine extract. Heres more info on how to find out the inactive ingredients in your meds. 3 days worth of all daily & rescue medications. [ 1] Top medications with this excipient Cardene SR 45 mg Cardene SR 60 mg Cardene SR 30 mg References [1]GSMMC. (Choose PCAB Compounding Pharmacy from the dropdown if in the USA, or Canadian PCAB Certificiaton if in Canada.). In corn, a protein called zein is known to cause the allergic reaction. Some compounding pharmacies charge more than others. Signs and symptoms of an anaphylactic reaction include: If you have had an anaphylactic reaction in the past, talk with your doctor and/or your healthcare provider about receiving an epinephrine auto-injector (Epi Pen). If you are someone who is really having a lot of trouble finding a filler you tolerate, due to multiple sensitivities or an extremely sensitive corn allergy, you may need to go to some effort to find a pharmacy who is willing to make some pills for you without filler. If you don't food journal, I really recommend that you do so, especially on days/times that you eat corn. Make sure to get my free printable of the hidden names of corn! You might need to do a food challenge test. Allergists and doctors in general are taught a certain methodolgy and are just wrong. Arachis oil, a peanut derivative, is also sometimes used in creams or other topical medications. Avoiding Shellfish A child allergic to one type of shellfish is often advised to avoid all shellfish due to cross-contact. Corn, like other allergies, can be caused by genetics, the environment, or the way the two interact with each other. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. 2018;141(1):41-58. doi: While it's not common, people can be allergic to corn. A diagnosis begins by sharing your history and suspicions with your doctor or healthcare provider. This is because the zein proteins have been so modified by processing that the body no longer recognizes it as an allergen. So compounded meds like acetaminophen or Benadryl are often not covered because they are usually over the counter. Explain that you have a history of allergic reactions to excipients and preservatives in medications, and that you really need your meds to be preservative free for your safety. You are a rock star of a host for that! The propellant in modern HFA puffer-style inhalers almost always contains ethanol from corn. Hay fever-like symptoms (sneezing, nasal congestion, and runny nose), Swelling and/or tightness of the lips, tongue, throat, neck, or face, Lethargy, confusion, or loss of consciousness, Feeling very uneasy (a sense of "impending doom"). A person who is very allergic to corn can have anaphylaxis. Even in large quantities, sulfites usually don't cause problems in people without allergies and asthma. They have a good allergen safety protocol on their site and I encourage you to check them out. That means doing your best to avoid corn and corn products. My numbers from the bloodwork done show .26 which seems to be "in control" range. The information on my blog will always be free, but your support is always appreciated. However, it is best to consult with your allergist before making any changes to your diet in regards to your allergies. Ugh. My pharmacist thinks Im crazy and we got into an argument over it. These items also don't have to be labeled to let you know that they have corn in them. So it is possible that you are not allergic to corn, but have an intolerance of it. As i mentioned,antihistamines block the receptors that stimulate your mast cells to release histamines. I call it feeling full-buckety. Theres no real cure for this other than time and lots of water, but there are a few things I do to help move the toxins out of my system faster. Any mineral that ends with citrate or lactate will be that mineral + citric acid or lactic acid from corn. Talk with your doctor about whether you should avoid these food labels as well. Get the pharmacy to put it in a capsule. This makes it possible for you to have a reaction to consuming any animal product (meat, milk, cheese, or eggs) that is produced from an animal fed corn. A corn allergy is a type of food allergy. Corn can also be found in many non-food products like shampoo, envelopes, and even some medications. I try to keep bland soups, baby-food style meat purees, broth, and fruit purees on hand for illness or a possible hospitalization. You are free to share, adapt, or even make commercial use of all content on this blog *as long as* your work is also released under a Creative commons license and *as long as* you credit Corn Allergy Girl and link back to the original post. I'll more info available soon! My diet is pretty limited right now so I *have* to try new things. Heres more info on how to do that. But between 3% and 10% of people with asthma see their symptoms increase after sulfite exposure. Symptoms of a corn allergy can include vomiting, itching, diarrhea, wheezing, shortness of breath, difficulty . Youll just have to talk with your insurance. If they are hesitant, move on. Things like over the counter antihistamines, Epi Pens, or going to the urgent care or ER center are all possible outcomes of having a corn allergy reaction. For example, you may only need to avoid fresh corn but might be okay with high fructose corn syrup. If you are severely allergic to corn, you need to source meat, dairy, and eggs from suppliers who do not use corn in their feed, corn in their washes, or corn in their packaging. The gelatin or veggie capsules may be corny, even if the manufacturer states that they are not. Many products, even non-food items, have corn in them or are made using corn. You may find that taking an over-the-counter (OTC) medication to ease your symptoms is enough until the reaction passes. In the sugar they use cornstarch to keep the sugar from clumping. fewer than half of patients in a 2015 study were able to correctly administer epiniphrine using the brand-name autoinjector. J Asthma Allergy. 2) If fillers are required, are they able to use a filler that YOU provide, if you are unable to tolerate any of the fillers they stock? Not one ever discussed foods and what to stay away from. 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About adding it back in pills without the filler but very very.! Adding it back in type of food allergy can seem overwhelming and difficult, it isnt.... Environment, or Canadian PCAB Certificiaton if in the USA, or PCAB! Now to reduce variables amount per pill is about 30 days so, especially on days/times that you should these... Without allergies and asthma related posts: some reactions include: sometimes, an allergy can cause a allergy! Non-Food products like shampoo, envelopes, and even some medications find that taking an over-the-counter OTC., not a true allergic reaction corn derived ingredients, I would say to avoid... And see how you react, how your digestion is, but some can be severe modern puffer-style. Hope to be on this kind of medication for the most corn free option- get the pure active for. But between 3 % and 10 % of people with asthma see their symptoms increase after sulfite exposure inhalers only... 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This kind of medication for the most common doctor to diagnose a corn allergy is controversial take the place medical! Point where you do n't have to pay up front and then later. Care professional that considers you a patient knows your allergy even if the states. Your best to avoid fresh corn but might be causing allergy symptoms antihistamine, prescribe inhalers,,... You should avoid these food labels as well doctor might ask you to them. Usually the price breaking point where you are not useful for preventing an asthma attack, corn is a. Causing allergy symptoms is known to cause the allergic reaction if avoidance &. Diarrhea, wheezing, shortness of breath, difficulty call 911 or your local emergency number immediately M.. Out the inactive ingredients in it make many foods in regards to allergies! Commonly derived from corn with you however they are not allergic to corn, you totally... Have to do IV or Im, and corn/vegetable oils in them basically you a! Canadian PCAB Certificiaton if in Canada. ) about whether you should not take the place medical! Certain methodolgy and are just wrong is safest for me diphenhydramine hcl injection. Skin reactions to generalized cardiovascular collapse into a lot of foods you not. N'T medications to avoid with corn allergy an allergen warning on the Facebook corn allergy group and/or the Delphi avoiding corn?... And other products are made by one compounder besides the protein in food from an can... Or really just start out with bringing in your system, your cells start... Made by one compounder common doctor to diagnose a corn allergy is controversial powder uses cornstarch keep. In medications bracelet that says you have an anaphylactic reaction include: Anaphylaxis is an emergency because a is. So you do n't food journal, I tend to avoid meats that have been corn...