Maybe some other discovery from left field has changed how we think about things. He had to publicize the companys successesa necessity for what was ultimately a commercial enterpriseand act as liaison between company laboratories and the academic and medical communities. And the next Mark Zuckerberg wont create a social network. The concept behind antireflection technology is to control the light used in an optical device in such a manner that the light rays reflect from surfaces where it is intended and . I had thought, at first, that he was as unique as the phoenix of rhetorical praise; after spending a little time with him, I felt I could recognize his voice, or his habits, in the texts of various literatures and various agesIf I am not mistaken, the heterogeneous pieces I have listed resemble Kafka; if I am not mistaken, not all of them resemble each other. Translation, Katsuki Sekida, Two Zen Classics: The Gateless Gate and The Blue Cliff Records, 2005., Which as a side note is wrong; compiled predictions actually indicate that AI researcher forecasts, while varying anywhere from a decade to centuries, typically cluster around 20 years in the future regardless of researcher age. Dropbox: we are going to build a file sharing and syncing solution when the market has a dozen of them that no one uses, supported by big companies like Microsoft. There is a more than superficial analogy here, I think, to Thompson sampling27/posterior sampling (PSRL) Bayesian reinforcement learning. In the 1980s, famed technologist Stewart Brand visited the equally-famed MIT Media Lab (perhaps the truest spiritual descendant of the MIT AI Lab) & Nicholas Negroponte, publishing a 1988 book, The Media Lab: Inventing the Future at M.I.T. I basically think all the ideas of the 90s that everybody had about how this stuff was going to work, I think they were all right, they were all correct. within the environment where learning is taking place). Why are success and failure so intertwined in the tech industry? My timing on the technical front could not have been better. After all, nonobvious ideas that could in fact become big businesses are by definition nonobvious. Its not the consequence that makes a problem important, it is that you have a reasonable attack. Three-dimensional-seismic-data acquisition and interpretation and borehole images became widespread while I worked in integrated reservoir characterization. And the Media Lab wasnt the only one, General Magic (1989), had an almost identical vision of a networked future powered by small touchscreen devices. and less. From pg48, A System of Invention, Lesch2006: Hrleins attitude was based not simply, or even primarily, on the situation of any particular area of research considered in isolation, but on his comprehensive overview of advance in areas in which chemistry and biomedicine intersected. Tesla: instead of just building batteries and selling them to Detroit, we are going to build our own cars from scratch plus own the distribution network. As Digital Promise team members who have researched and supported teachers' use of educational technology, we want to recognize and celebrate your successes. In what I would call, in a nod to Thiels definite vs indefinite optimism, definitely-maybe optimism. If the answer is no, then this is the team to back. Progress, then, depends on the unreasonable man. Its possible for entrepreneurs to create something with huge impact. They use their discretion to surface proposals that have at least one champion, regardless of whether there are any detractorsThe results show that there is greater ex ante uncertainty in the ARPA-E research portfolio compared to proposals with the highest mean scores (Model1). You cant possibly get a good technology going without an enormous number of failures. While it is possible to understand that, under extreme pressure, Fred was acting to save Federal Express from almost certain bankruptcy, and even to empathize with what he did, it nevertheless appeared to be a serious breach of conductDecember1975 was also the month that settled the matter of the forged loan guarantee documents for the Union Bank. Enough progress in one domain (particularly computing power), can sometimes make up for stasis in another domain. Through consolidation and failure, 3 emerged on top, 2 of which went bankrupt. Bitcoin is a topical example: its still in the early stages where it looks either like a genius stroke to invest in, or a fools paradise/Ponzi scheme. You can see the smartphones come up again and again in TML, as the visionaries realize how transformative a mobile pocket-sized computer would be. Everything of importance has been said before by somebody who did not discover it. If people dont want to go to the ball game, how are you going to stop them? as Yogi Berra asked.) The researchers used qualitative research approach in this study with phenomenological research design. 1. : Custom Type-Curve Generation for Pressure Transient Analysis of Elongated Linear Flow Systems,, Moran, J.H., and Finklea, E.E. Counting for inflation, probably more money was spent [than] than Facebook just spent on Oculus. In other words, her smartphone is a videophone; videophones used to be one of the canonical examples of how technology failed, stemming from its appearance in the 1964 New York Worlds Fair & 2001: A Space Odyssey but subsequent failure to usurp telephones. By the time I left Venezuela, the oil price was on its way up, but the dip in oil price had certainly put a damper on plans for expanding the group. The people listed in her article have all subscribed to the rigorous analysis that was necessary, and they, as she has, have left their mark in the improved understanding we now often take for granted. I dont know what they can do to move faster but I suspect it has to do with placement (distribution) and with networks which both depend on (corrupt) entities.. However, technology affects ones thinking capacity and development of ideas. Because of the winner-take-all dynamics, theres no way to solve the coordination problem of holding off on an approach until the prerequisites are in place: entrepreneurs and founders will be hurling themselves at an common goal like social networks or VR constantly, just on the off chance that maybe the prerequisites just became adequate and theyll be able to eat everyones lunch. Something happened that made the world different. In a counterfactual world, Google went down in flames quite easily because it never hit upon the advertising innovations that saved it, no matter how much you liked PageRank, and anything else is hindsight bias. Such an attitude is similar to the DARPA paradigm in fostering AI & computing, a rational process of connecting the dots between here and there intended to orchestrate the advancement of an entire suite of technologies, with responsibilities split between multiple project managers each given considerable autonomy for several years. In the same vein, the founder has to be able to attract customers to buy the product, partners to help distribute the product, and, eventually, other VCs to fund the business beyond the initial round of financing. The electric incandescent lightbulb was invented, reinvented, coinvented, or first invented dozens of times. I for one will admit it, when I wake up the first thing I do is reach for my smartphone. She recently became Director of the Center for Energy, Environment, and Transportation Innovation in the Crisman Inst. If an hour of reflection seems like too much, try 10 minutes. We may not understand, we may not see, But we must trust, have faith, and believe. As it turned out, both sensors had done a fantastic job of capturing the hydraulic-hammer effect. We do not know what a unicorn is like. Moores law really just changes again and again, it re-factors your options in really subtle and interesting ways., Kevin Kelly: Our sense of history in this world is very dim and very short. The next Larry Page or Sergey Brin wont make a search engine. End of preview. We tried something, or somebody else tried something, and it didnt work. After10 hours of deliberation, he was acquitted. Normal PSRL requires episodes, which dont really have a real-world equivalent, but PSRL can be extended to handle continuous actiona nice example is deterministic schedule posterior sampling reinforcement learning (DS-PRL), which does back off in periodically stopping, and re-evaluating the optimal strategy based on accumulated evidence, but less & less often, so it does PSRL over increasingly large time windows.. The three outstanding problems in physics, in a certain sense, were never worked on while I was at Bell Labs. My partner Chris Dixon describes our job as VCs as investing in good ideas that look like bad ideas. Christine Ehlig-Economides received a BA degree from Rice U. in math-science, an MS degree from the U. of Kansas in chemical engineering, and a PhD degree from Stanford U. in petroleum engineering. View 2 SanDisk Extreme Portab. Another time, we had to ask our employees to hold their paychecks while we waited for the next wave of financingFred dumped his entire inheritance into the company and was full speed ahead without concern for his personal finances. Such targeted research efforts can have disproprotionate payoffs and lead to sudden breakthroughs as the enemys frontline collapses. The origins of many startups are highly idiosyncratic & chancy; eg. Nanosystems on a chip, is said to be able to provide critical foundation to diagnostics biomarkers and point-of-care technologies as well as detection of pathogen. Though, the right moment cannot be known exactly in advance, so attempts to forecast will typically be off by years or worse. It is not always as easy a task as it sounds. Soon after this experience, I decided to pursue a PhD degree in petroleum engineering. If the software doesnt work out, I guess well do something else. Kafkas idiosyncrasy is present in each of these writings, to a greater or lesser degree, but if Kafka had not written, we would not perceive it; that is to say, it would not exist. When minimum and maximum score are included in the same model, the coefficient on minimum score disappears. Sensors, displays batteries! I ended up moving to Japan and working there for many years. He showed me that the families of type curves he was generating were hardly distinguishable as pressure change on log-log coordinates, but they showed considerable character when graphed as a pressure derivative. It is now appreciated that of the factors needed to make the stored-program digital computer a technological reality only one was missing: the means to construct fast switching elements. Cook calls this cracking the nut. Start small. The most informative plan is the most polarizing one.29. Similarly, if Reddit or Airbnb had been less successful, their uses of aggressive marketing tactics like sockpuppeting & spam would perhaps have led to trouble.. and there were huge projects that have never been shown to the public to try to make a consumable [VR product], very expensive ones. Ehlig-Economides, C.A. Excerpts from The First Miracle Drugs: How the Sulfa Drugs Transformed Medicine, John Lesch2006. His work modifies our conception of the past, as it will modify the future. In this correlation, the identity or plurality of men doesnt matter. Whoever does not know how to hit the nail on the head should be entreated not to hit the nail at all. Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest. And rental bikes., Instacart/Ocado/Uber Eats: Well do again, minus the bankruptcy., PayPal: Everyone elses online payments has failed, so well do it again, with anonymous cryptography! He is the reason I have had the courage and motivation to continue contributing to an industry that has never been all that eager to take women seriously, and I am the reason he became interested in petroleum engineering. and err Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord. At one time I considered writing a study of Kafkas precursors. You can read books from the past about tech visionaries and note how many of them were spot-on in their beliefs about what would happen (TML is a great example, but far from the only one) but where a person would have been ill-advised to act on the correct forecasts. Format and timing Fails to meet minimum page requirements Submitted late : Barely meets the 15 page minimum requirement. So, it seems that rapid progress depends on crazy people. Further, people in general appear to overexploit & underexplore, exacerbating the problemeven if the expected value of a startup (or experimentation, or R&D in general) is positive for individuals. The speed of light imposes theoretical bounds on rates of information transfer, so that it was once reasonable to wonder whether these limits, in conjunction with physical limits to microminiaturization of switching and conducting elements, might give the biological system an irreducible advantage. Youve invented taxis & buses. In hindsight the things that worked look like good ideas and the ones that failed look stupid, but sadly its not that obvious at the time. Kuchuk, F.J., and Ayestaran, L.: Analysis of Simultaneously Measured Pressure and Sandface Flow Rate in Transient Well Testing, paper SPE 12177, prepared for presentation at the 1983 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 58 October, San Francisco. It was not much but it came at a critical time and kept us in business for another week. Its difficult to invest in computers or AI or social networking or VR; there is no index for these things, and it is hard to see how there even could be such a thing. I think most people are aware of fads/stampedes in investing, but the latter error is not so commonly discussed. Err Teslas struggles in general are too well known to mention (such as Musk asking Apple to acquire them in 2017 in the depths of Tesla Model 3 manufacturing crisis when weeks from collapse). One theme I notice in many systems is that they follow a multi-level optimization structure where slow blackbox methods give rise to more efficient Bayesian inference. The system as a whole can be seen in RL terms. Any good idea can be made to sound like a bad idea & probably did sound like a bad idea then5, and Bessemer VCs anti-profile is a list of good ideas which Bessemer declined to invest in. It will only do one thing well, and youll have to move all of your content to use it. Well: researchers have a slight conflict of interest in the matter, and are happy to spend arbitrary amounts of money on topics without anything to show for it. Within industrial research organizationsand, implicitly, within academic onesHrlein called for special institutional arrangements to encourage appropriate interactions between chemistry and biomedicine. The aeroplane industry cannot now redeem Daedalus nor can the computer industry recover the money spent by the British Admiralty more than a hundred years ago in support of Charles Babbage and his calculating machine. And there were plenty of lucrative search engine founders (is Jerry Yang still a billionaire? The idea of VR was that straightforward an extrapolation of computer monitors, it was that overdetermined, and so compelling that VR pioneers resemble nothing so much as moths to the flame, garnering grants in the hopes that this time things will improve. A place like Bell Labs benefits from remaining in contact with the needs of commerce, as it provides a check on lart pour lart pathologies, a fertile source of problems, and can feed back the benefits of mass production/experience curves. Only Apple can build apps for it. This trend persists when median score is included (Model 7 in Table 3). Early PC history is rife with examples of the prescient failing. They said, Current VR gear is low field of view, high lag, too expensive, too heavy, cant be driven properly from consumer-grade computers, or even professional-grade computers. It turned out that I wasnt the first person to realize these problems. 9, 4 (1969)] There is also fair agreement that the chief obstacles are not hardware limitations. Reflection-in-action "Thinking about what you are doing, while you are doing it." (Schn, 1983) Reflection-in-action happens in what Schn (1983) describes as 'the midst of activity' - in coaching terms this is likely to be during a coaching session or game. And at some point, it does improve, and the first person to try at the right time may win the lottery; Palmer Luckey (founder of Oculus, sold to Facebook for $2.95$2.302014 billion in March20144): Heres a secret: the thing stopping people from making good VR and solving these problems was not technical. (One wonders if a 20-year forecast might be driven by anthropics: in an exponentially-growing field, most researchers will be present in the final generation, and so a priori one could predict accurately that it will be 20 years to AI. The two failure modes of a MAB algorithm are investing too much in one option early on, and then investing too little later on; in the former, you inefficiently buy too much information on an option which happened to have good luck but is not guaranteed to be the best at the expense of others (which may in fact be the best), while in the latter, you buy too little & risk permanently making a mistake by prematurely rejecting an apparently-bad option (which simply had bad luck early on). This has historically been less typical in the venture world, but, increasingly, as entrepreneurs take on more established industriesparticularly those that are regulatedbringing a view of the market that is unconstrained by previous professional experiences may in fact be a plus. In1998! Michael Wolfe offers some examples of this: How about Netflix? Many startups have a long list of failed predecessors who tried to do much the same thing, often simultaneous with several other competitors (startups are just as susceptible to multiple discovery as science/technology in general3). Information and Communication Technology covering the topics of: The current state of ICT technologies (i.e., Web 2.0, 3.0, convergent technologies, social, mobile, and assistive media) Online systems, functions, and platforms. She has since been appointed to the Albert B. Stevens Endowed Chair in Petroleum Engineering at Texas A&M U. Ehlig-Economides has received numerous awards from SPE and was elected to the Natl. X Research source. : Use of the Pressure Derivative for Diagnosing Pressure-Transient Behavior,. Dude, dont you remember CueCat at all? A valuable outcome is a result that has practical importance for clinical or preventive medicine and, implicitly, commercial value for industry. I have learned the underlying principles and techniques in designing and creating your web page using different web editors. Contextualized online search and research skills. It is universally admitted that the unicorn is a supernatural being and one of good omen; thus it is declared in the Odes, in the Annals, in the biographies of illustrious men, and in other texts of unquestioned authority. But it is by no means obvious that it was unripe for Babbages research and development effort, if only it had been conceived in terms of a more severely delimited objective: the construction of a working model. So many models could be easily derived when the governing equations were transformed into Laplace space. I think I had the most fun working in a small group in Anadrill on multilateral-well design, which became the subject of my SPE distinguished lecture.15 After that, I worked with Joe Mach to manage production enhancement for Schlumberger. Ummon addressed the assembly and said: I am not asking you about the days before the fifteenth of the month. One reason is that our form of energy, oil, is misunderstood by most people, including many of us in the petroleum industry. Part of the explanation is survivorship bias causing hindsight bias. Its a universal rule. The first Kafka of Betrachtung is less a precursor of the Kafka of the gloomy myths and terrifying institutions than is Browning or Lord Dunsany. Sunday Reflection: The Blessing of God's Timing. Technological developments can be foreseen but the knowledge is largely useless because startups are inherently risky and require optimal timing. You cant foresee what will be successful based on what has been successful; you cant even foresee what wont be successful based on what was already unsuccessful; and you cant ask researchers because they are incentivized to not know the timing any better than anyone else. Although, I have used technology in my classroom before, now I. Timing, we believe, is an art. This overall problem falls under the reinforcement learning paradigm, and successful approaches are analogous to Thompson sampling/posterior sampling: even an informed strategy cant reliably beat random exploration which gradually shifts towards successful areas while continuing to take occasional long shots. Lets start one. Late reflections are those that arrive after about 60 ms following the reception of the direct signal. Dasmarias, Cavite College of Business and Technology. To the extent that VC/startups stampede into particular sectors, this leads to inefficiency of the first timewere so many green energy startups necessary? Look after a pet. The UK Biobank has produced an amazing amount of research for a large group, but is the exception that proves the rule: their openness to researchers is (sadly) extraordinarily unusual. The aim of the study is to evaluate the effects of sports, sports education, technological uses, and their effects on sports education. At that time, I had already become a member of SPE in order to take the SPE Journal, where the serious research in the petroleum industry was published. If convicted, he would have faced a prison term of up to five years. The poem Fears and Scruples by Robert Browning prophesies the work of Kafka, but our reading of Kafka noticeably refines and diverts our reading of the poem. Put simply, it's not the time lead or the technology; it's what a firm does with its time lead and . Also, people started getting lazy and more ignorant. It is a time for Muslims to deepen their connection to God and to practice compassion and kindness towards others. But say that the market is wrongly pessimistic. Right then, I made an incredible blunder. They are not important problems because we do not have an attack. quick and timely) and also ecologically valid (i.e. Gamify self reflection by keeping a running streak using a Google Doc or an app like Streaks. This, too, was an ill-conceived notion, because the flowmeter sensor could accurately record only a few minutes of data before the flow rate dropped below its accuracy range. In their book Edisons Electric Light: Biography of an Invention, Robert Friedel, Paul Israel, and Bernard Finn list 23 inventors of incandescent bulbs prior to Edison. I think we see this a lot. And will she walk through walls when the going gets toughwhich it inevitably will in nearly all startupsand simply refuse to even consider quitting? The most important development for well-test interpretation was still to come: the pressure derivative. Vacuum tube technology was first exploited for high-speed digital computing in Britain during the Second World War [16]. View 3 Samsung T7 Shield Check Price 4 Crucial X6 Portable SSD View 5 Western Digital My Book Check Price God's timing is perfect, it's true; His ways are higher, beyond our view. Jr.: An Investigation of Wellbore Storage and Skin Effect in Unsteady Liquid Flow: I. Analytical Treatment,, Horner, D.R. (How do you force all relevant companies to sell tradable stakes? neural net, Bitcoin, economics, history, insight porn, sociology/tech, decision theory, [For support of website features (tablesorting, collapsible sections, image zooming, link annotation popups/popins & transclusions, sidenotes), please enable JavaScript.]. Likewise, the idea of production-log testing was to use a flowmeter to measure the downhole flow rate during pressure-buildup tests, thereby eliminating the need for pressure-derivative analysis because the wellbore storage would be corrected by the flow-rate measurement, and an equivalent to the Horner plot would suffice. One guy will do most of the work. This happens even in literature: Doyles Sherlock Holmes stories werent the first to invent clues, but the last (Moretti2000, Moretti2005, Batuman2005), with other detective fiction writers doing things that can only be called grotesque; Moretti, baffled, recounts that one detective, having deduced that the drug is in the third cup of coffee, proceeds to drink the coffee., To give a personal example: while researching Registered Reports, supposedly invented in 2013, I discovered that they had been invented at least 10 times dating back to 1966.. Hrlein perceived a need for a set of mutually complementary institutions and trained personnel whose interaction produces the desired results. Reindex into what, another doomed firm?). o Activity Report: Technology and Past ( interviews with elders) o Nature's Longest Threads by Janaki. Those were hard binding limits, and to solve them by creating tiny high-resolution LED/LCD screens for smartphones, required the benefit of decades of Moores law and the experience curve effects of manufacturing billions of smartphones. If you are copying these guys, you arent learning from them.. For example, researchers have shown that time of day explains about 20 percent of the variance in human performance on cognitive tasks. (All of which was doubtless why Page & Brin tried & failed to sell Google to AltaVista & Excite & Yahoo early on, and negotiated a possible sale with Yahoo as late as 2002 which they ultimately rejected.) Explains how technology is transforming conventional methods of human life, from the way we grow our crops, to how we communicate with one another. Head and introduced the BS and MS degree programs in petroleum engineering. The loan guarantee from General Dynamics raised our hopes and increased our spirits, but also increased the pressure to finalize the private placement. Youve seen the curves Gordon Moore discovered. Its important to be the last person to discover something. If you were sure of that back then, or even mostly persuaded, and if a lot of others were as well, what good fortune you could have harvested. By important I mean guaranteed a Nobel Prize and any sum of money you want to mention. Learning can occur in many forms and situations. Teresa Amabile and her colleagues found that the most significant driver of positive emotions and motivation at work was . As I waited somewhat nervously to give my first technical presentation in 1975, several papers were introduced with an anecdote about the speakers experiences 25 years before. Fedex, early on, couldnt make payroll and the founder famously kept the planes flying only by gambling the last of their money in Las Vegas, among other near-death experiences & crimesjust one of many startups doing highly questionable things.12 Both SpaceX & Tesla have come within days (or hours) of bankruptcy, in 2008 and 2013; in the former case, Musk borrowed money from friends to pay his rent after 3 rocket failures in a row, and in the latter, Musk reportedly went as far as securing a pledge from Google to buy Tesla outright rather than let it go bankrupt (Vance2015). ChristineEhlig-Economides, through her eventful career, has been there when many breakthroughs were made that have created a step change in our understanding of the mechanisms that govern the recovery of hydrocarbons. But we must trust, have faith, and Transportation Innovation in the same model, identity! Between chemistry and biomedicine commercial value for industry do one thing well, and.. 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