darlie routier dna results 2019

Then it was superficial cuts but yeah, she loved shopping, makeup, popping gum and shooting silly string. Especially when its All circumstantial evidence. I guess we can take your silence to mean no, you wouldnt have the balls lol. So if you are so sure she is guilty you should feel comfortable enough that they can prove it legitimate this time. What do you think all these naysayers will say then? The evidence points to her guilt. I think she maintains her innocence so convincingly because she has convinced herself she didnt do it as an emotional survival strategy. One of his specialties was Criminal Law. Christine- youre a clueless idiot. Honestly I think that the husband set up for the house to be robbed and he took a sleeping pill or had a noise distraction. Our system is extremely corrupt and unfair. Not once have I ever seen a murder beat the hell out of herself, cut their throat to the point of killing herself,(remember 2mm) she would have died herself, the defensive wounds on her forearm. Ok but then hours after the murders, this same neighbor saw the same car & STILL didnt get a plate #. I am dumbfounded why it has taken more than 20 years for defense attorneys to get the Dallas Police to finally be forced to have the bloody fingerprint tested by a laboratory. Just realized that Toby Shook was Amber Guygans lead defense attorney in her murder trial and got her off with only ten years. Hope she never gets out !! Ive watched her. This is because they feel responsible, like they failed to protect their child. So again Im asking you what forensic evidence do you speak of? So what if she had boob implants? She was lucky she didnt kill herself. I had my house robbed and it sickened me to hear what they were saying because the crime i was in there for hurt who? A 5 year old can see Darlie did this. It wont be long now. Or is this where you say she ran 1 1/2 football fields with a slit throat to get rid of it right. Did it ever occur to you that maybe Darlie received some of those injuries earlier in the night before the actual attack? But what is indisputable is that she did not receive a fair trial. Darlie Kee, Actress: True CSI. Be pretty tough to condemn ppl you DONT EVEN KNOW!!!! Why is Darlie still in prison? Women dont slit their own throats it is to messy. Thats the way my cop family thinks! Darin will have to tell you more because they read my mail. Wrong! She freaking murdered her babies and youre taking up for her. Glad to see other people are bringing up the inconsistency of this case. knowing there was no physical, tangible evidence and that I was demanding the specimen be sent to a lab.dismissed my case. Shouldnt have taken this long for a new trial! Let me educate you!! Take a good look at the crime scene photos of the sink and tell me that if it was your sink, youd consider that clean. Sounds like possible typical Texas investigating to me. It seems we can't find what you're looking for. Darlie, I hope you see this. They prosecuted Darlie in the media, period. The slash across the throat was done as a half-hearted coup de grace. (because they continued surveillance at the cemetery-but only chose to show a happy time -instead of the memorial service they had prior). Within 20 minutes of entering the home the lead detective had made up his mind that there was no intruder, simply because there was no blood in the garage? Darlie lost here family,freedom here innocence is clear. Wake the fuck up!!!!!! Y does she have a bruised arm? 5 Darlie Routier has been on death row. You should focus on your son murdering that helpless baby. Oh, there is no new evidence? We cant go around & guess what she was doing. Im for the death penalty. Its not proof its opinions. Yup, Prosecutor Toby Shook took her apart on the stand. No indication that there is an ongoing investigation, that The defense attorney Mudder has sinse died, A forensic investigator has since deceased. She is deceased, but was traumatized by this event and left her job.Your comment makes me wonder about your stability and lack of judgement. Come on people. Where was the new game changing evidence? Toby Shook and Greg Davis need to be investigated right along with Darin Routier. The dopiest and most malicious group of Texans ever assembled. They now make baby monitors. Isnt it reasonable to think someone else stabbing the kids caused a tiny tiny spot of blood to transfer to her shirt ? My brother was murdered in our house and we (my mom, dad and myself) were investigates HARD before they even looked at anyone else. The sock had Darlies DNA in the toe area, and the boys blood on it. She has steadfastly maintained her innocence. The interview with 20/20 was conducted Sunday, and the show will air 8-10 p.m. Friday. With luminol, the quicker the reaction and the darker the color, the more recent the blood was present. From my research the evidence point away from Darlie and directly at Darin. How can anyone bring up blood spatter or any blood evidence when Darlie did not even have her own experts at trial to debunk the bull crap science from those losers? I wouldnt be surprised if he has it in for a pretty woman resembling Darlie. I can tell by your Grammer that you are ignorant. Good luck with that. My last tid bit for this rant is that all of you talking about looking forward to her execution, you should do a little more research on the lead detective and his past, as well as the prosecutor. It is possible that the experts at the time did what they were expected to do which was to come to a hasty conclusion. Also her bloody finger print on the vacumn cleaner she layed down. Bet the house! The wounds. We Had a HUGE murder here in a small county of really redneck backwoods people. So what she was injured, she done it to herself. Blood clearly was wiped up. And had she known what kinda shit he was involved in and just how corrupt the ppl he had associated himself with were; she would have been beyond frustrated she prob woulda took the kids and left his ass and its a damn shame she didnt get that opportunity ; cause that would have saved 3 lives. The fact that the prosecutors had to put Little Miss Goody Two Shoes on the stand just showed how desperate they were to dig up dirt on Darlie. The silly string video. What the flock people? This f#_-(++@) guy is the rat that got Darlie Routier convicted in Kerville 22 years ago. Youll have to ask Darin and mom about it because they read my mail! Sad to say he was beyond help at this point. Labor and Epstain should have been called to testify and rebut blood evidence. As the eldest child in the family, she held a sense of responsibility for ensuring her siblings were taken care of. If this was a random stranger out to kill this mom & sons(why?) Now he straight up failed his polygraph. Perfectly said ! Proving her innocence , this will be a big hit with media news. It barked at the police but where was it when Darlie and kids were being hurt. 47 6 thatphanom.techno@gmail.com 042-532028 , 042-532027 He also lied when he said he didnt help his son Damon because he had no pulse. Can you explain w/o reasonable doubt her guilt. A deal was in fact made, and Darin was not implicated in the crime. Obviously you have no idea of the mounds of evidence they had against her husband. That means that Darlie had about a minute and a half at most to run 75 yards down the alley to plant the sock, run 75 yards back, quickly slice her own throat while miraculously missing her carotid artery by 2 mm, attempt to clean up blood from the kitchen area, move the vacuum cleaner to the kitchen area, and break a wine glass. However, he took 15 days time off of a girl who stole a Hummer and tried to run over her babys father with it. You took the words out of my mouth. To all those who state if Routier gets a new trial the outcome will be the same: So much doubt in this case but Darlie never got the benefit of those doubts. Did you see the bruises on her arms ? How is that even possible? Maggie Freleng provides great insights and gives you the perspective of Darlie being wrongfully incarcerated. This piece of shit stands up there and preaches to jurors not to convict on emotion or because the defendant isnt likable yet that is exactly the same tactic that this hypocrite used in 1997 to convict Darlie. DNA testing not available at the time was recently conducted and the results are discussed in the special. Justice for Devon and Damon Routier! Some of these individuals have been given large monetary compensation theyre owed & unfortunately theres a long list of innocent individuals that havent received any wrongful compensation, which is sad!! Now why would Darin have done that if he was innocent and had nothing to hide? Why wasnt the jury told about Darins bloody jeans? Just because you think it doesnt make it so, thank gawd. The Innocence Project recently was victorious in a situation that parallels states evidence 85-J in Routiers case (#runtheprint, Aug. 29, 2018). There was not a lot of her DNA on that sock. It cuts both ways. To a reasonable degree of scientific certainty (Assuming no identical twin) Darlie Routier is the source of the DNA from 10-2589-502. No one was supposed to be home, let alone get hurt. No way in hell she stabbed her boys then left them alive to scream and cry while she ran down the alley. The back of her shirt did NOT have the kids blood running down it, there was one tiny small spot of blood from the kids on it, definitely exaggerated on that dont you think ?!! Wow, the ignorance is overwhelming. Wore ten rings everyday makes her a The transcripts speak for themselves. Why cant you people see the insanity in this? If it was so sure to prove Darlie innocent why the hell would they wait 10 years to free Darlie? . And Darin desperately needs a hair cut. You are a liar Darlie Kee just like your daughter. That right there is that tribalism and hate that keeps the world fucked up. I think between her having depression and financial issues, it made her snap and do this. Her last story just gets more desperate. Overzealous cops made up their minds right from the start and MADE the evidence fit Darlie. I just reread Lynch and Kathryn Longs testimony about blood at the sink. A curiously quick turnaround. I hope karma finds that woman. Her journal entries about witch craft fyi it was popular back then to mess with. Raven Skyfeather.well my my my arent you just the delusional twat. These injuries would soon be described in police reports as "superficial cuts that avoided vital areas and could have been self-inflicted." If a leading detective wants to string a bunch of evidence together and think it all adds That came out in the 2015 DNA tests that Darlies defense had sealed. He wasnt investigated 23 years ago and he still isnt being investigated. Take a look outside your little closeted towns mad realize you are so wrong, you should be humiliated. It makes me sick that this woman who lost her babies is now on death row for something that she did NOT do. They know that the streets are no safer when I was or was not on them. If I were charged with a murder I had nothing to do with, especially someone I loved dearly. The innocence project turned it down, but her lying ass mom keeps saying it like it might happen. Darlie is now finally starting to admit that it was very possible Darin was involved, but it is going to take a hell of a lot more than that. Neighbors admitted to seeing a car that didnt belong that was thrown out. know what to do about that, so you know what they did!???? I PRAY FOR HER RELEASE AND I HOPE SHE SPITS IN EVERY POLICE OFFICERS FACE THAT HIGH FIVED CHARGING HER.. For the heart she dont have. Do not post your idiotic opinions as if they are facts. I know that bruise. I hope he stays in jail at least until he is old and gray. Routier, now 49, was 26 when her children were killed. Plus, I intend to write about cases that interest me and innovations going on in our Court Systems both State and Federal. Thats about as stupid as you telling Werner that knife couldnt have cut that screen because it has a round tip. Justic4Darlie. Did they check Darlies blood to see if she had been drugged? As a paralegal in training, I would kill for a chance to research the case. Ill take your bet and double it. I have been following her case for years. The Christmases or Hannukahs. DNA results are not obtained overnight, and with over 100 pieces of evidence tested, it should come as no surprise that it took over a month. You are the very definition of white trash. The neighbor saw the car before the murders that same day!! No way was this case proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Thats what I think. Forensic files starts a good lay out, but so much more! Hope every cemetery refuses her carcass. Blood on bottom of kitchen sink cleaned up U dont have a clue!!! I fully believe in the Death Penalty for any heinous crime of this type. another eye opener of our very flawed justice system. Any DNA found from an unknown person must be proven to be connected to the crime. Just scumbag defense attorney stall tactics. IMORESSIVE? Let me guess, auto correct strikes again? Darlie Routier murdered Devon and Damon and no amount of fake media blather is going to change the facts. Havent seen Miranda around in awhile but I hope its true what she says about you loons needing crisis therapy when Darlies execution date is handed down. She is exactly where she belongs. darlie routier dna results 2021. I dont vote btw at all, too informed via facts/history. The prosecution and the cops should be under full investigation in the case and in many others. https://www.fordarlieroutier.org. Texas is famous for executing innocent people all the time. Couldnt agree with you more! (Esp. Chloroform was never found on the sock. No one with a soul or a good person could just execute a human being and kill them. They never investigated Darin and he should have been their first and only suspect. Today she and her ex-husband may be forced to know even the possibility they might be wrong. I saw pictures of a clean sink and counter, then pictures when luminol was applied. There have been hundreds of individuals that have been falsely convicted & sentenced to life & even death!! Even if there is nothing more going on than routine meetings and a return on a networks investment, there is much for Routier to be excited about, and, according to Cooper, she is. Shameful. Secondly, It is painfully obvious the Dallas Police where very affected by the Susan Smith case which occurred shortly before the Routier boys were murdered in such a heinous fashion. I hope they are finally going to expose all that evidence against him. Yet again incorrect info being chucked about. Another interesting fact, the knife at the scene had blood from only one of the boys. She was railroaded, by everyone including her own family. Darlie was likely the intended victim; but I personally feel like if thats the case its because Darin owed the wrong ppl some money vs Darin putting a hit out on her. Again, thank you for your well-stated and thought-provoking comment. I was and still am convinced DR is guilty of this terrible crime. There is still something in the story thats missing that only Darlie or Darin can answer. He was the only person who left the house to summon the woman across the street because she was a nurse, hence the bloody sock that was found yards away from the crime scene. Reporting from police should be something we work on , this sends the wrong people to death row. So whats your DEA registration number, DOC? I believe that her hubby Darin has something to do with this crime. My first glimpse into her insanity! Where was the dog and why no barking at intruder? To her, her family, her friends, especially her living Son (WHO NEEDS HER), her ex-husband, I am so happy you have remained at her side and believing in her. The letter. . Start exposing the truth and facts about Darin. There is way more to it than the documentaries lead people to believe, people have patterns and ways of doing things, the murderer was a stabber, stabbed the kids multiple times with enough force to go all the way through, then for some reason takes a weak slash at darlie? I also can tell he hates pretty women. They get to know your hours when you work and when your home. Not Damian. Thats way easy to do ,you cant always know how deep a knife will cut.. Maybe its sharper than u think. Do u know how stupid u sound? She gets very pissy with him during the 911 call and says I didnt do anything, Darin, somebody came in here and did this. Shame on all of you backwards, redneck, hillbilly monsters with your bibles in one hand and concrete opinions in the other! Are you allowed to use the Internet unsupervised? Over all the cases I have seen in the past few years this one is the one that just doesnt add up to her being guilty. As for the rushed re-airing of The Last Defense footage via 20/20, Cooper said that ABC may be getting more bang for the big bucks that the network invested in examining Routiers case something for which he is grateful. Im sure we wont her a word from any of them lol, If her fate was sealed in 2015, why did Project Innocence get involved on 05/16/2019? Hmmm.the English language, always causes some debate. The evidence never showed she did.. Thats when Devon and Damon will get real justice. THIS WOMAN IS INNOCENT SO GET OVER YOUR SELVES. Up to she did it!! Darlie used that sock on the handle of the knife thats why her DNA is inside the toe. Darlie has always maintained her innocence. Darlie was clearly made out to be a sinning, money grubbing, tramp. No; some blood washed down the drain while the water was running. She was found guilty of murdering 5-year-old Damon but never tried in the death of her 6-year-old son Devon. Perhaps searching can help. There is no way those boys blood got on the back of her shirt unless she did it. She had every reason to be depressed, but that sure as hell didnt prove her to be a killer. Nobody had been excluded from some of those prints including Darin Routier. I have never seen such hate and deception surrounding any other murder case like I have seen with this one. Ill pray every single day for a new trial where LEVELHEADED PEOPLE can oversee as a jury and release her on the basis of NO PROOF WHATSOEVER! Just wondering if anyone knows if they ever did the testing, or did it come back that Darlie was the only one responsible? The trial transcripts prove for a fact Darin was never implicated. heres the deal and the reason the police pleaded the fifth amendment the police recorded that footage with im assuming what turned out to be an illegal wiretap. I believe Darlie now knows the intruder she saw going into the kitchen that morning was none other than her own husband. Darlie has had the same free loaders cashing in on this case for years including her husband Darlie Routier. If you were posting facts or truth some people might have some respect for you, nobody respects a liar. If there was an intruder why werent there fingerprints, footprints, etc. I saw and learned from inside out much about what is possible in a persons life from the inside out. Had a dog that barked at everyone. Why has she been protecting and covering for him all these years? Because democrats love baby killers. That was not a self inflicted wound. So please explain what forensic evidence they didnt have dna evidence back then but they do now. Stop being a pussy and hiding behind a fake name. Wasnt the murder weapon left at the original scene? Damon & Devon Routier Routier family CASE DETAILS On the night of June 6th, 1996, Darlie Lynn Routier made a frantic call to 911. She knew things about Darin and for what ever reasons she decided to stay silent. Book and verse Marlene please. I hope it does free her and she can sue the state of Texas for a lot of money. Allowed her babies who were buried holding hands to be dug up, have their hands cut off just to get fingerprints. And why leave Darlie alive? My son died his senior year in college. You should be asking yourself why the hell they refuse to investigate Darin Routier. Shes now 49 years old and that superficial surface wound on her neck STILL looks mighty deep. Oh and as far as footprints, thieves usually do not wear shoes that leave prints often opting for socks. You cant get that unless you did the killing. You lied because she failed it. 1 of the children crawled bleeding out towards the front door away from his attacker darrin and darlie was there helping them right? Darlie should not have been given the death penalty because at the time of the crime she was temporarily insane hence not eligible too be charged with felony murder it was more like a passion killing In this case thats exactly what happened. The sock, was planted by her. Thats your contribution to this discussion? With That much blood there is no way an intruder would not have been noticed. In 2015, 85-J was analyzed for Y-STR and contain no male DNA. my rage would be so great and my attitude would be one of defiance, I would have to be removed from the court room for the entire trial. We are obviously holding on our positions. Most men in Texas death row are executed in under 10 years anf shes been there for 23 years. Roddy honey, considering your spelling and punctuation errors, I dont think you should be criticizing anyones IQ LOL. Write by: . She had also taken a polygraph, for 6 hours and failed it. Routier has always claimed that she and her children were attacked by an unknown intruder. People with an IQ over 20 can see she did this and then cut herself. Horrible, judge mental person.. I have a few friends in America (yes I do have at least a few mates) & a word that comes up often is how a large majority of Americans & us English are now using, that word is anyways that is absolutely incorrect to say it that way, it is singular for all ways when using it & thats simply anyway nothing added at all. Same thing in the Avery & the central park 5 cases. What little Ive seen of your comments, already I know you are a horrible person. I would like to know what you screens were done on her and the boys? That is hugewhy did they NOT say that they tested that flesh for DNA? I say this because I saw the birthday party on the news. So with a slit throat bleeding to death she ran that far to dump a sock Witt her kids blood on it. How many license plates numbers do you record every night as people you dont know drive by your house? Lynda Im not the one supporting a baby killer. May have even been someone wanting to frame the husband cause had Darlie died the investigators would have blamed her husband and this may have just been to make him pay for some unpaid debt or jealousy of his beautiful family and lifestyle. Instead she has used that money to live high on the hog even taking the time to go on extended fishing trip with Darlies new boyfriend? Just because some prosecutor can tell a story with a tear One of the kids, most likely Devon, woke up and saw one of their faces, and dude panicked and stabbed him with the hunting knife he brought with him. She was not at the foot of the stairs when Darin appeared. Thats right they wouldnt because its too smeared. He is part of what I like to call the reign of terror that exists in this state where sadly I sometimes do not like to admit I am from. They like cops should wanted the evidence and waited a long,long time to get that conviction! She did everything as she was trained. If there was no intruder, then it was Darin. darlieroutierfactandfiction.com. Someone knocked her out and stabbed her thinking she was dead. Cron said he determined within 20 to 30 minutes of arriving at the Routier home that there had been no intruder. Now the baby always woke her up but she sleeps through her kids being murdered. Only thing worse than stupid is stupid with a keyboard. THE law & order were Not following the rules they set for everyone else. Just days after that meeting, I received a phone call from a producer for ABCs 20/20, asking to do a fresh interview with me for a hastily assembled two-hour episode focusing on Routier. LOLyou DO realize that only a medical doctor can actually differentiate between true sociopathy/psychopathy and someone on the autism spectrum, dont you? This was such a tragedy and she was doomed from the start. Why wasnt Darin questioned as to where he went when he snuck out that back door? Could it be because he didnt want that dog to wake up Darlie and the boys during the attack? The other lawyer is Bryce Benjet. Please do try to keep up, love. Im sorry she didnt put on a good enough show for you during those few minutes of footage, you ghoul. I am in no way for the de-funding of the Police by the way nor am I a conservative or liberal but I think when she is found innocent that the prosecutor and corrupt cops and their lame ass medical examiner with his e-bay bought degree should have to do 5 years in jail. Darlie has had the same free loaders cashing in on this case for years including husband... Knows if they are finally going to change the facts the stand thing in night. It in for a fact Darin was never implicated off with only ten years hours the. A liar Darlie Kee just like your daughter all, too informed via facts/history many license numbers. 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