mind blowing stoner facts

The U.S. government has an official plan for a zombie apocalypse. While cucamelons or "mouse melons" sound like they could be related to watermelonsand certainly look like tiny grape-sized versions of the larger fruitthey resemble cucumbers inside and have a citrusy taste. In his writing, he claimed that the brother and sister were actually murderous adult siblings who had lived in the mid-17th century and had killed a witch in order to get their hands on her recipe for a gingerbread-like treat. That resulted in lead poisoning, which could sometimes cause death, according to Smithsonian. There's a fence in Australia named the Dingo-Proof Fence, which stretches across nearly 3,500 miles, longer than the 3,330 miles between Seattle, Washington, and Miami, Florida. ae0fcc31ae342fd3a1346ebb1f342fcb, According to Smithsonian, "from 1945 to 1963 the United States and the Soviet Union (with a little help from the United Kingdom and France) detonated nearly 500 nuclear bombs, 379 of which exploded in the atmosphere. This means that if youre ever targeted by an expert marksman youll be dead before you hear the gunshot. But the dictionary also could have used the word "oxymoron" as an examplesince it turns out the word is an oxymoron itself. Unfortunately, the keys were prone to jamming so, as the story goes, Shoals designed the keyboard to slow typists down by placing the most commonly used letters far apart. So because their seeds are on the outside all those berries arent actually berries. } Its a vintage Aston Martin. That's why Leave It to Beaver ran into a problem in 1957 when one script included the show's main characters keeping their pet alligator in a toilet tank. Its a vital step in the AI revolution. In 1945 a Colorado farmer went out to kill a chicken for dinner but when he chopped off the animals head, it just wouldnt die. To smoke, or not to smoke? is a question The longest time between two twins being born is 87 days. So that's why food tastes better when someone else makes it. But the contiguous United States goes farther north than you think and the majority of Canadians live near the southern border. Charlotte Hilton Andersen, BS, MS, has been covering health, fitness, parenting and culture for many major outlets, both in print and online, for 15 years. 1. Radioactive particles from the Cold War were found in the deepest parts of the ocean. When more paint became available, many farmers chose to continue to paint their barns red in honor of tradition. Chicago's nickname has nothing to do with the weather. Think about this the next time you simply toss the flavor you don't like. The original design of this Parisian landmark used the four large pylons at the base to provide all the structural support. "We do share the same feeling about space technology," Sinatra said in one of the spots. Scientist Elena Shnayder told The New York Times, "He disappeared for five months, and all of a sudden here he is, with a very, very heavy phone bill." 100 Mind Blowing Questions That Will Bend Your Mind! There are common questions, and there are some mind blowing questions! The difference between the two is that the former is heard, interpreted, and answered with a sane mind, and well, the latter confuses you to the point that you might want to drive your head through a wall! "In general, the Amish are more willing to adopt new technology if they can justify it for business reasons and they can keep it out of the home.". Add those all together for the past 30 years and you still dont come close to the total deaths caused by the Champawat tiger, who killed 435 people in Nepal and India. Though precipitation in the desert is infrequent, when it does rain, it comes on suddenly and very heavily. Your mouth produces about one liter of saliva a day. Termites are industrious little creatures capable of building massive structures for their expansive colonies. Talk about a dubious honorMaryland is the only state in the United States that has no natural lakes within its borders. Ghengis Khan is known for being one of the most prolific killers ever but it appears he was just as much a lover as he was a fighter. Pierre Vinet/New Line/Saul Zaentz/Wing Nut/Kobal/REX/Shutterstock, Universal History Archive/UIG/REX/Shutterstock, The Ocean Cleanup Handout/EPA-EFE/REX/Shutterstock, We are no longer supporting IE (Internet Explorer). The funniest and most mind-bending questions to ponder while stoned. "Kummerspeck" is the German word for the weight you put on from emotional eating. One of the most iconic images is that of the One Ring with its glowing inscription. Agatha Christie has sold over 2 billion books. It covers the continent of Antarctica and has a size of about 5.5 million square miles. If you want to sing along, all you need to do is croon, "Beyond the rim of the star-light, my love is wand'ring in star-flight". The kangaroo mouse, while being In 2018, researchers found that spam emails account for 60 to 70 percent of all email traffic and up to half of all indexed data on the Internet. If that seems excessive, you can always just rent one of the six Austrian villages, three German towns, or one Swiss ski-resort village. That's because tomatoes are highly acidic, and so when European aristocrats ate them off their pewter plates, the food leached lead from the dish and passed it on to the diner. Mosquitoesmore specifically, the diseases carried by mosquitoeskill nearly 1 million people every year. Making jelly beans can take up to 14 days, according to Jelly Belly. Marijuana has become the most used illegal drug in the USA, Around the world marijuana has over 200 slang terms. Nauru is the only country in the world without an official capital city. Another [volunteer], who hadn't washed in several years, hosted two species of so-called extremophile bacteria that typically thrive in ice caps and thermal vents. Wasps are more likely to attack at the end of summer. Prince Charles has a car fueled by wine. However, it turns out that he was supposed to be a different, less monstrous color. As a result, if someone had black teeth, a sign of eating too much sugar, they were considered to be wealthy. for their flesh, which tasted like fish and sweet blood. The first time a toilet appeared on TV was in 1957. While it might look like clams have a big tongue that sometimes protrudes from their shell to poke around the ocean floor, what you're actually seeing is a foot. Ladybirds can fly at speeds up to 37 mph. One example? So in a way, Jackson really did get the last word. At times, when you're sad or stressed, picking up your favorite takeout or indulging in a delicious dessert can be a simple way to make yourself feel a little better. They've been forced to shutter over safety hazards. Science nerd? William Shakespeare smoked weed. The extra cash comes in handy if a golfer nails the impressive feat and is then expected to celebrate by paying for food, drinks, and gifts, which can cost quite a bit. "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" may have led us to believe that the massive celestial bodies in the night sky are sparkling, but it turns out that the flashing we see is merely a "space mirage." Scientists found nearly 1,500 new bacteria species in belly buttons. We typically cover all of the boring questions, like will eating weed get me stoned or how Every mammal has the same number of neck vertebraeexcept for two. But beware to the person who tries it! These are the only 5 countries in the world without airports. So then what is it used for? if( navigator.sendBeacon ) { "The Ethiopian Orthodox Church believes Jesus Christ was born in 7 BC, 5,500 years after God's promise to Adam and Eve." There are computers for the Amish, which have no internet, videos, or music. Americans thought tomatoes were poisonous until the early 19th century. If 55 is fifty-five and 44 is forty-four, shouldnt 11 be onety Check out these 7 mind-blowing facts about punctuation. But there are two exceptions to this rule: sloths and manatees. Scotland's national animal is the unicorn. An estimated 16 million people died during World War I. Many people think the right plural form is octopi but based on the Greek roots, it technically should be octopodes. No one says that, however, so grammarians have settled on octopuses as the correct pluralization of octopus. In the 1850s, a dozen eggs could cost you the equivalent of $90 in todays money, a pick axe the equivalent of $1,500, and a hotel room upwards $300,000 a month. At 45 degrees latitude, Seattle is farther north than Toronto and Montreal, meaning that 64 percent of Canadians live south of Seattle. This is why they're called trailersbecause they used to "trail" the main attraction. 30 Best Stoner Thoughts 1. Who decided the alphabet was in alphabetical order? 2. If oranges are orange, why are limes not called greens? 3. What does water taste like? 4. If you drop soap on the floor, is the floor clean or is the soap dirty? 5. Can you daydream at night? 6. If someone dies in a But perhaps the saddest part is that only one of them knows how to swim. Amateur players pay a premium of $65 a year for $3,500 in coverage. The longest word you can type with just your left hand is Sweaterdresses.. Known as the Olympus Mons, the tallest known mountain in the solar system is found on Mars. Las Vegas founders ordered all casinos be built outside city limits to avoid sullying their reputation. Beer in Russia was considered a soft drink up until2011. Australia has over 10,000 beaches. Unfortunately, the world record for the number of folds is 12. As the longest-living vertebrate on the planet, they can swim around the ocean for up to 400 years and don't reach sexual maturity until they're 150. Walt Disney World would fit inside Canada 81,975 times. Technically the Earth is known as an oblate spheroid due to the bulge at the equator and the flattened poles. Its also about analyzing the text. And for some more recent trivia, revisit 50 Amazing Facts We Learned in the 2010s. These are thoughts and questions weve thought of, heard, or read, and were bringing them to you. Spark up and keep reading. 30 of the best stoner questions to ponder while smoking. 1. Who decided the alphabet was in alphabetical order? 2. If oranges are orange, why are limes not called greens? 3. What does water taste like? 4. Its no doubt that Vikings were some of the toughest men in history books. But you'd have to go back even further to witness the founding of Oxford University, which started as a learning hub as early as 1096. Because of this, Ethiopia is actually around seven years behind the rest of the world. J.R.R. London may be one of the largest metropolises in the world but when it comes to actual people, only 9,000 reside in the City of London. But this acclaim was only achieved after his death. Incredible Hulk was originally supposed to be gray. In order to leave their post, they must be escorted by agency "minders." Originally, they were produced by theaters themselves, but by 1916, movie studios took the reins. The gold in Earth's core could cover the planet in a knee-high layer. Urine was once used Up close it takes on a rich fuchsia shade. According to Israeli scientist Ya'acov Leshem, from Bar-Ilan University, flowers that had been given Viagra "looked much fresher [and] their [color] remained longer.". A baby is born with around 300 bones. CoffeeBeanoMan [ confirmed] The color orange was named after the fruit, not the other way around.. Public phone booths may be a rare sight these days, but there's one located in a Japanese hilltop garden that's especially unusual. Humans and giraffes have the same number of neck bones. If you ever take a trip to Antarctica, be sure to do as much socializing as you possibly can, and come up with stimulating ways to keep yourself busy. If you think parking is expensive in your area, you'll be shocked by how much a spot can cost in Hong Kong. Cleopatra lived closer in time to the moon landing than to the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza. Homer Simpsons hair is shaped like two letters that are the initials of creator. Irene Tripletts father, Mose, served in both the Union and Confederate armies and because of his service, his wife and children were granted a pension for as long as they livein Irenes case, thats at least 90 years! Well, it turns out you probably know anyhowthat is, if youve seen any of the Jurassic Park movies. xhr.open('POST', 'https://www.google-analytics.com/collect', true); You'll see that "umop apisdn" does indeed spell "upside down" using almost entirely different letters of the alphabet. They got bored of the fancy food and asked for pizza, which was a food for the poor. The. Armadillos almost always give birth to identical quadruplets. The English language is quirky, and one of the best examples of that is in the way we pronounce Pacific Ocean. It can be absorbed through your skin, pass through your bloodstream, and end up in your mouth and nose, making you taste the garlic even though it never went in your mouth. Samuel J. Seymour was just five years old when he attended a play at Fords Theater on that fateful evening of April 14, 1865. See more about - 95 Weird American Facts You Wont Believe Are True. Space is big but relatively empty, it turns out. More French soldiers died during World War I than American soldiers during all of U.S. history. Dont get excited yet Flat Earthersthe planet we all call home isnt flat but its not round either. Spending just a few months in Antarctica can shrink your brain. We hope you enjoy this collection of mind blowing stoner facts. The microwave is an example of a brilliant invention that was stumbled upon when the inventor was trying to create something totally different. If you fold a piece of paper in half, it doubles in thickness. Originally thought to be a social cue, a series of experiments actually suggests a different reason for this bodily function. Many whale species take in oversized mouthfuls of ocean water and filter out the krill and other small ocean life for consumption using their baleen plates. Australia has the largest population of wild camels in the world and its garnet sand is highly prized in manufacturing. The human psyche is infinitely complex, which means new research comes out every day that helps illuminate why were are the way we are. Japanese golfers have hole-in-one insurance. Incredibly, it seems like we're not so bad at it at all! When you think about Canada, you probably imagine acres of forests and lots of snow. Nationwide, the electricity used by indoor grow operation is enough to power 1.7 million homes. Ever wonder what the clothing retailer H&M's initials actually stood for? Midland Commercial district sales director James Mak said, "There aren't many car park lots for sale, so prices have always been kept high." On the flip side, here are 12 Martin Luther King, Jr. facts that just arent true. Whats a pirate without an eye patch? As for octopi? Its not even a word. Give it a whirl. The longest tiramisu ever measured was 897 feet and 3 inches. if( 'moc.enilnoefiltseb' !== location.hostname.split('').reverse().join('') ) { Miraculously, both girls survived and are healthy today. Icehotel is a world-famous hotel and art exhibition made of ice and snow. For more mind-blowing facts check out these 20 obscure facts you never knew about your own body. This is how new materials are being discovered with AI. It might be worth sticking to public transportation. Sharks have a bad reputation for being merciless killers but when it comes to sheer numbers they could learn something from the humble coconut. Yep, its exactly what you always thought it was! Hippos may be large and in charge but theyre lacking one thing: Sweat glands. The government offices of the tiny Pacific island nation are located in the Yaren District. Even if youre an avid reader or love attending trivia nights, there are so many interesting and eye-opening tidbits of information that you can never stop learning or gaining knowledge. Die Wahrheit ber Hnsel und Gretel (The Truth About Hansel and Gretel) was a book written by German artist Hans Traxler. But did you know that most of the time the surgeon doesnt remove the diseased kidney? This is the only U.S. state whose name can be typed on just one row of keys. These appendages have to be sizable to navigate around the long spikes of the Vachellia and Senegalia plants they typically consume for sustenance. As a result, he was arrested and taken to the police station, where he was booked and fined for his offense. Americans were still getting used to this amazing modern convenience when suddenly, 1943, the FDA banned sliced bread. Shaking ketchup makes it 1,000 times thinner. Like grammar? In 1969, the soccer teams of Honduras and El Salvador were competing for a spot in the 1970 World Cup. Water makes a different sound whether its hot or cold. Our host star, Sun, is so massive that it can fit 1.3 million Planet Earths inside it. In June 2014, Kemps in Cedarburg, Wisconsin served up a strawberry-flavored scoop that measured nearly 6 feet by 6 feet. Having multiple babies at one time is normal for the nine-banded armadillo. Writing and Reading. Adolf Hitler plotted to kill Winston Churchill with exploding chocolate. He sold The Red Vineyard for 400 Francs. But you don't have to be famous to opt for an unexpected moniker. This is 50% more than is used by all San Francisco residents. Premenstrual syndromethe collection of symptoms that hit women in the week or so before their menstrual cycle startsis the butt of many jokes and has even been cited as a reason a woman should not be president of the United States. Chinese emperors who wanted to extend their lifespan would take elixirs that were thought to bring on immortality. As such, farmers hundreds of years ago would seal their barns with linseed oil and add a variety of things, such as rust. And are you aware Anne Frank and Martin Luther King, Jr. were born in the same year? That's about 35 million times a year, and more than 2.5 billion times during an average lifetime, according to PBS. That blanket of ash shielded the planet from the sun, which led to "the year without a summer." The longest bicycle in the world is over 135 feet long. So why do they look white? She's the author of two books, co-host of the Self Help Obsession podcast and also does freelance editing and ghostwriting. WebHow much do you know about the human mind and brain? Human teeth are as strong as shark teeth. In this instalment of WatchMojo's Top 5 Facts, we're going to try to take an unbiased view of a controversial subject, and count down the five most mind-blowing things that you probably didn't know about marijuana. The main culprit is Malaria, a disease that may be responsible for killing up to half of all the people who have ever lived. Ever wondered what tortoises mating would sound like? It wasn't until 1825 that scientist Georges Cuvier disproved the mystical creature's existence, stating that it was not feasible for an animal with a split hoof to have a single horn emerging from its head, according to National Geographic. WebA little while ago, Reddit user RyanBlitzpatrick asked the users of r/AskReddit to share some mind-blowing facts and you better believe they did! An astronauts footprint in the lunar soil. You'll never look at Instagram and Twitter octothorpes the same way again. We guess? When a team from North Carolina State University took a look at what was inside the belly buttons of 60 different people, they found a "rain forest" of microscopic life. Interior design pros say these six things will make the biggest impression on guests. ), Alaska is both the state farthest to the west and to the east in the United States. The story apparently caused an "uproar," according to Atlas Obscura, who note that the Berliner Zeitung newspaper even asked readers if this was an example of "a criminal case from the early capitalist era." The last murder in Lichtenstein occurred in 1997. Light hits their fur and is trapped inside the hollow part of the hair, causing a reaction called luminescence. Apple pips are poisonous and can kill you but you will have to eat several thousand to feel the effects. Web120 Mind Blowing Facts You Wont Believe Are True The worlds oceans contain 20 million tons of gold. The Nazis were the first ever people in modern history to start an anti-smoking and tobacco movement. For comparison, worker and soldier termites live just one to two years. The longest bout of hiccups lasted for 68 years. While generally not deadly, the sting is said to be incredibly painful and causes a large amount of swelling. On February 9, 1956, two months before his death, Seymour recounted the story on the CBS TV show Ive Got a Secret. Its all thanks to allicin, the chemical responsible for garlics unique smell. Ulysses S. Grant, the 18th president of the United States, didn't always follow the law, even while he was in office. Put on from emotional eating no internet, videos, or music few months in Antarctica can your! Country in the way we pronounce Pacific ocean the Nazis were the first time a toilet appeared TV... Time is normal for the number of neck bones do n't have to be incredibly painful and causes large. 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