st francis xavier school chicago

My mother loved him as a priest! My brother graduated in 1962 and my sister in 1966. I guess that your dad. These reunions are a lot of fun. Hello to everyone & wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving. Some friends were Jeannine Schiavo and Betty Giunta. It was so different then. Hi Donna Fasone Blaha & Linda Manzella! My father had a bakery on Kedzie avenue (Sarnos) and his partner was Chuck Raymond. I had Sr Francis de Sales in 6th and Sr Speranza in 7th. This is Frank Cesario RoseMarie Espositos nephew. joe falbo. Such great memories! Lucky. Your memories match mine to the tea and the one that stood out a lot was being happy your children were not as foolish as you. We moved to the suburbs after my graduation, but, while I attended St. Mel High School, my Uncle, Pat Donnamaria, who worked as a baker at Sarnos got me an after school job at the bakery. I have great memories of that old neighborhood. St. Francis Xavier Catholic School offers 5 interscholastic sports: Basketball, Cheering, Cross Country, Track and Field and Volleyball. I have two sisters, Rosemarie and Emily who also attended. 2022 by STFXCS. Reading all the different brought back many memories. My name is Catherine Costa. I graduated in 1971. Ann Sineni and I were good friends, I remember. I often wondered what became of you and your siblings. We moved to Bellwood in the late summer of 1953, so he didnt graduate from St. Frances. We moved to Burbank when I was 7 but remember all the fun we had in the old neighborhood. St Francis Xavier School Elementary Schools Schools Educational Services Website 27 YEARS IN BUSINESS (708) 588-1472 21 N Catherine Ave La Grange, IL 60525 2. View all St. Francis Xavier Elementary School photo albums . The riots were what made my parents move. Frances Xavier Warde School ranks among the top 20% of private schools in Illinois for: Highest percentage of faculty with advanced degrees and Largest student body. We walked to school with mom and passed Manley school on the way. Lucien Morselli. Hi Nick. Playing marbles in the dirt. AI (Artificial Intelligence), specifically ChatGPT, poses some serious challenges for teachers. My best memories are at St. Frances X Cabrini School. Tony Coleman, Oops! All rights reserved. The neighborhood boys and I had a great time playing on those floating forms until we got kicked out of there. CONNECT. Fr Florian was pastor when we graduated, Fr Lucian, (Fr Lucky) was our good friend. We played five games and we were a perfect 0 and 5. lol, Tony,my name is Frank Cesario I have a picture of my 1963 graduating class from St. Frances Cabtini. f: 312-466-0711, 751 N. State St. So many Memories would love to hear from all. Hi Frank! The Frances Xavier Warde School is a Catholic elementary school in downtown Chicago that provides an academically excellent, values-oriented education to students of all ethnic, religious, cultural and socio-economic backgrounds in a child-centered urban environment. percent of this School`s students would receive financial The Frances Xavier Warde School (FXW) is an amazing school - with an amazing school community! Unfortunately, the names you mention were a little before my time, but I sincerely appreciate your input. Coco. Elizabeth, I doubt Sacramento was ever blocked for recess, since it was and still is a major north-south street. Rosalie, what years did you attend? UCS do not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, national origin and/or ethnic origin in its administration policies, treatment of students, and its employment practices. hi robert,my mom/grandparents lived next door to your family 2930 w was good friends with your uncles anthony/ is a link to a video of my great grandparents 50th wedding anniversary in 1942 at mother of your uncles(alex) is an altar boy in the movie if remember correctly?my mom talks about your family all the time and talks to them moms maiden name is dote.the film shows the inside of the church and walking from lexington street and also sacramento boulevard.i was born after everyone left the neighborhood but i love hearing all the stories Given each year in scholarship to families in need, Students of Color as a percentage of total enrollment, Given each year in scholarships to families in need, The 2023 - 2024 FXW Admission Portal Is Now Open, The 2023-2024 FXW Admission Portal Is Now Open, Check out what we're working towards next at these FXW events. I presently live in SWFlorida. Such special times And I think we were all very humble and well-behaved. I was so proud of my school. She also had a younger sister. My parents moved in 1960 and I graduated from grammar school also in 1963. She was such a nice woman. That happened in my senior year at St. Philips. My parents, Fonzi and Dolly were best friends with Carmie and Dolly until they all passed. We were going through my moms stuff and I she had my graduating class of 1961photo. Its funny, but I can still remember when things began to change. Office Hours: I have been obsessed with finding it my whole life. Now I am retired and live in Florida. I graduated from Cabrini in 1963. So many of your names are familar-Rosalie Guerieri-my mother was dear friends with your mother Mary growing up. I drive down the Eisenhower past the old neighborhood wondering what its like. Unfortunately I did not know Fr. Leo still participates in carrying the statue of Our Lady of Mt. Thank you for sharing! Since Appleton's first Catholic school opened in 1867, our . Thanks for writing this! Chicago, IL 60640 (773) 665-0066. He was so funny. i will tell my mom she was mentioned here again lol. We are a part of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland. What memories! We were poor, but we didnt know it, or care. Most of my family is gone now, but I still have an aunt who is 101 years of age. We called him Fr. We moved from the neighborhood (Arthington St) in 1960 also to the Northwest side. Was it a soap factory? We were all so innocent and care free. Frances Xavier Cabrini through 5th grade. Reply to Cathy I dont remember exactly how many were in my class, but I think it was 50. I know that he was also in that class. Faculty and staff refer to our communitys palpable, engaging energy. I especially remember Robert. . About. St. Francis Xavier School is a private, Catholic school located in WILMETTE, IL. I just watched the video again it still warms my heart, Such a beautiful song what is the name of it and the artist that is singing? Here are a few other things I remember about our neighborhood. 296. Great memories of that neighborhood, the nuns and priests. We also went to Scafuri bakery which was right around the corner from where we lived on Polk St. Fr. Hello Everyone!!! I attended school there 1956. Very interesting Elizabeth, We used the same street as you mentioned for recess. I do remember Mr. Rittenberg, and often wondered if he was the same Jim Rittenberg I heard of in the news and around Chicago. Hi everyone. taller, slim, dark-haired fellow whose name I cant recall? Frances Xavier Warde School offers 6 interscholastic sports: Basketball, Cross Country, Flag Football, Golf, Track and Field and Volleyball. I think you and I hung out a bit on and off when our mothers visited. I had various corporate staff jobs over the years, and Dennis worked in accounting and IT. She was African American, first name Annette. I remember walking to Kedzie to Sarnos bakery or the Royal Blue supermarket or going to Celestes for pizza and italian Beef in the knotty pine dining room with all the deer heads and animal trophies on the wall. hi peter my mom geraldine dote graduated in your class in 1953,small world huh?my aunt maryann gentilini was also in the same class,she lived on the 2800 block of flournoy.i was born after everyone left the neighborhood in 1962 but as a kid and adult i always love to hear the stories of the neighborhood.a few years ago i went into the church,its a baptist church was really neat to be in there knowing my great grandparents etc whom i never met were also in that same place! Sadly, my sister Joyce died last year. Those were very happy days and those memories are still very alive for me. I moved away from that neighborhood to Forest Park and then out of Illinois for many years. The project provides new and expanded spaces for parish and school learning and growth, and community-building activities. I sure do remember you! Lucian Morselli, Fr. I wonder what will become of the building? We lived on west Arthington. Manley Vocational with a Joe Falbo. It also supports St. Francis ability to remain competitive with area schools in providing a diversified curriculum, academic support, and special services. Hi Frank, that is my brother John. We can't imagine finding a better school for our kids anywhere, honestly. joe. I remember the apartment building at the Northeast corner of Sacramento and Polk being razed to make way for the new school building, and playing in the 10 foot deep rain flooded construction pit, using foundation forms as rafts, after a particularly heavy rain forced a halt to the construction. As of a year ago, Manley was still in existence as a high school. The Church was named in honor of St. Francis Xavier, a Jesuit missionary whose mantra was "that all may be one.". Student-Teacher Ratio may not be indicative of class size. The year is flying by but make sure to click here to view our events calendar to find out what's coming next. I promised in a earlier post to scan them and post them somewhere. The average rate in schools in communities of similar income level as our was 92%. 801-966-1571 It was a beautiful school, parish, convent, and priests and sisters. Im sure thats where we first saw Ben Hur. Please pray for us! History I graduated from Cabrini in 1959 and went on to Providence High School. Hello, friends and acquaintances from the past-our beautiful past. Does anyone remember Mr.Singleton ? . Not sure if we are the Laurenzanos youre referring to. Fr Lucky ate dinner in our flat many times. Graduated in 67 from Siena High on Central and Washington. I think Tom, Dan, Barbara I remember them moving to California. Community is one of FXWs defining qualities. I graduated from Cabrini in 64. Truly miss your relatives bakery, Espositos; the aroma of fresh Italian bread, and pastries! I only went thru the 3rd grade and then we moved to the suburbs. We even had a basement-how did they do that in those days? I also taught English for a couple of years. Since Appleton's first Catholic school opened in 1867, our educational offerings have earned a reputation for strong curriculum, inclusive athletic programs, highly-acclaimed fine arts, faith-strengthening religious programs and spirited co-curricular activities. It was a great Italian neighborhood. Donna Fasone Blaha is my first cousin and she turned my on to this story about St Francis X Cabrini. We moved to Colorado and lived there for over 32 years, just recently returning. The E-W streets in the neighboorhood were Polk. Its Rosalie again, Donna. The School prepares its students to appear in the Indian School Certificate Examination (ICSE) at the Class X level and Indian School Certificate (ISC) examination in the class XII level. When we attended school, we had morning and afternoon recess, and Lexington St. was barricaded at lunchtime so we could play in the street as well as in the playground. It was nice hearing from you! I think it was named Raymonds. We would love to have as many from Cabrini as possible with us. We knew the pharmacist and they had a great soda fountain in there! Frances Gasparro, I graduated Cabrini in 1959. We both retired. My family lived across the street from the school and was within ourplay area. Was there a Geraldine Dote in our class? The movie was beautiful. St Lucy statue with her eyes on a plate, I can go on and on and on. I started 1st grade in 1949 and graduated from 8th grade class of 1957. Me and my cousin scaled buildings, jumped roofs, played tight rope on the railroad tracks, climbed fences and went into buildings that had a fire. Take care and stay blessed. I used to hang in the west cafeteria where I met Dennis in a pinochle game. I cant remember our Pastors name, or any of the priests and Brother. Parents often say they are grateful to be a part of such an exceptional place of inclusion and belonging. (Michael Gard / Daily Southtown) Game 2 St. Xavier (5-9 . St. Frances Xavier Cabrini School also began an innovative program called Friendly Town. Provides auto-suggestions when entering text. Endorse Frances Xavier Warde School. My dad Joseph Scafuri Sr.owned the Sunny Boy bakery at 803 S. Kedzie inthe early 50s. Joseph Ponce is in that same class picture that I have from the 1963 graduating class. I remember your mother very well. Thank you for sharing Nancy, and Im glad you enjoyed my blog. Sunny Boy Bakery for fresh hot Italian bread, Johnny hot dog stand, Albany butcher, Granada Funeral home, FRed the Florist, Lousies grocery store and many many more. I lived at 824 S California while attending St. Frances . Hard to believe it was so long ago. Early Childhood Elementary Middle School What's Happening They always wore their black leather jackets? I dont remember too much about my yr there but I vividly remember attending the wake at Granada Funeral home of a beautiful young girl (my age) that had died in the fire of Our Lady of Angels school. The Student-Teacher Ratio for preschools is reported directly by the school. Thanks! an academically excellent education along with a foundation to I remember there was a girl named Gracie Dote in the grade below me (I graduated in 59. "Tim Baity is going to be a special player," St. Xavier coach Mike Feminis said. Where did you post the video? After school co-curriculars consist of volleyball, basketball, chess club, STEM classes, choir, flag football, trigonometry club, debate club and more! I was mortified to give someone so holy such a lowly gift. He is 86 and is celebrating his 59th Anniv. Hi, Now I am retired and living in Florida. To this day I pray for her. I remember she also had a friend named Annette (Sessom). Do you know when Manley closed? I still have the cross. How is your brother Jerry? Formerly Rosie L Harris sister Bernice and brother David. My name is Stanley Rushing, 1968 to 69 Regina Williams sat in front of me please reach out. Hello Lenora. Also my brother and sister, and all my cousins. Father Lucky was a great friend and mentor. Manley which was a high school is now closed. Lucian and Bro were there along with Sr. Alphonse and The principal Sr. Teresina. Yes, she is my cousin. What a small world that you worked there. Please include any comments on: The Frances Xavier Warde School - Graduation Mass. Not on facebook but will check back periodically. [5] St. Hilary School it shows them walking from home(2916 w lexington)to mother cabrini and shows inside the church and outside in front on sacramento blvd.if i remember one of the altar boys seen briefly in the film is a guerrieri!! Please, Selecting a category below will take you to another page. My family owned Esposito Bakery. Our Priest was Father Fr. Need sacramental records? Sister Alfonso.I havent heard that name since we moved in April of 1961. I was in that class on the 7th grade side. Such a lovely story. Your article was the only one I could find. Leonora, I graduated in from St. Frances 1953, and also attended school in the rectory and in the church basement until the school was built. Frank Cesario, I was in 7th grade when you were 8th with my brother John. I would love to hear from her. Loved being there. I remember you and your brother Joe Joe and your entire family. SFX is led by Ms. Dolores Butler, a former Archdiocese teacher with a Masters in School . Their names were Celia and Frank. Take care and stay blessed. I had never seen a live turkey before and I found myself surrounded by thousands. Father Lucky was always at our house for dinner. I pretty much hung out with the kids from Melrose Park on the 4th floor music lounge. "He has a world of talent. 4th-8thgrade, continue on to graduation. I had a Sam Esposito and I believe Jeanette Esposito, another Esposito boy but I am not sure of his first name, I think he was Sams cousin. The core values at FXW (Purposely Diverse, Intentionnaly Inclusive) are exhibited every day from the dedicated and caring professionals. We lived at 3143 Arthington in a 3 flat with my cousins upstairs and downstairs. He gave me a lovely cross as a memento and I still have it. I drove down California from jury duty last month and decided to go see my old block on Polk Street. I have wonderful memories of my years there & our nuns.i still have the photos of me dressed in their habit for the mass at the Cathedral downtown for Mission Sunday. Thank you for sharing. I attended kindergarten 5th grade (1963-1968). Hi, Donna! Take care hope to here from you again. Im Angela Paletta. Designing Thoughts - It was in the church rectory. Practices were great fun as they got right in there with us spiking the balls as they tried to hold their veiis back. Do you remember MaryAnn Farinella? I also do remember Farther Dufficy. andindividual growth of our students in a safe environment. Professional development is noticeably encouraged as the educators are constantly bringing in new ideas to challenge and expand the horizons of our children. I have found two which are Eunice Evans and Derek McGlorthan. Your post motivated me to look for my grammar school pictures. Giannini who founded the Bank of AmericaI still wish I was related to him It sure would be nice to get alumnae together. Just noticed your post. I attended this school and church from kindergarten to 8th grade, and it was wonderful. Which is where I began my catholic education. You see these themes woven into everyday life at FXW seamlessly. SEARCH @ Saints Joseph and Francis Xavier Parish. We had relatives on each block from my home at 2717 Lexington to the school. Good to hear from you. i attended the school much later when there were regular teachers and the school became racially mixed. School Reviews. My brother graduated St Francis in 1959 or 1960. We are a community that serves others. Blessings to you. Its fantastic! I graduated in 53 with Gerldine Dote. I just realized I had the same teachers as Angela Cullen! Girometti (not sure if I got the spelling right), Fr Lucky, and Fr Coco. I kept in touch with the Sisters who educated us through their web site, now know as The Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in New Haven Connecticut. The class following me had over 100, I believe. Also, I remember Srs. Others simply refer to FXW as their second family.. There were unfortunately only 13 in our class. But if someone wanted to move it they could buy it for $1! When I started school there, since we didnt live close, I would ride there with my mom & be there for the 7:00 mass attended by the nuns. I take my grandsons to all the museums, and recently to the Art Institute for the first time not to mention the zoo, parks and beaches. I stumbled upon this page by accident. Call 312-268-2543. His boyhood friends have been getting together a few times a year just to keep in touch with each other. Please share your stories so this school and church will not be forgotten. FXW has great after school co-curriculars that add to the wonderful learning experience. I also remember the glass casket and the memorial. here to help! Hi Anthony, If my parents didnt move, I would have graduated in 63. I did, though, tell Dennis La Montagna and Fat Albert (Mike Hardy), and they ran to help him. I have been diligently looking for old classmates. Fr. Proudly created with Carmel in Melrose Park. Cant get that type of bread here in Florida, where I now live. It was either the building that became the rectory or it was next to the rectory. All these memories of Cabrini arte so wonderful to read. Preschool rates are dependent upon the number of days child attends & full or part time - details on school web site. Chicago, IL 60612 (312) 491-1600. The church was so majestic! I still have my First grade class picture with Sr Angelica Marie, . Dennis and I are happy to hear from you. My mother was the Organist. Some of the names on our block were Simone, DiPintino, Laurenzano, DeLegge, and now my mind draws a blank. They say you cant go back, but it warms the heart to read all of these happy memories and get reacquainted with all of you again. If any of my other classmates are out there, please get in touch: We can't say enough great things about our beloved school. 120 S. Desplaines St. Chicago, IL 60661 p: 312-466-0700 f: 312-466-0711. Head Of School Letter; Head of School Message; With Mission in Mind; FXW at a Glance. Interview requirements for admission to the school. I went to school with Rosalie Guerrieri and remember her mom very well. I had 2 good friends there: Carol Rizzo and Leslie Caviccione. Annette Season is the person you are referring to her sister was Donna. Fr Lucian (if you remember him) stayed friends with our family until his death. hi all this brings back so many memories . f: 312-337-7180, Purposefully Diverse, Intentionally Inclusive, Welcoming and embracing of all faith traditions, Effortless Fundraising & Additional Support. I had just arrived to Chicago from Rome, Italy and I didnt understand or speak English. Leo said to say hello to you. The movie was Lilliesof The Field and it starred a very young Sidney Poitier. Your email address will not be published. We grew up in great times. It was a real community; we knew so many neighbors. Their behavior and sense of humor are so similar to those of the people from the Cabrini neighborhood. My cousins, Guy & Mary Simone Almond, lived next door to me and went to school with Geraldine Dote. Yes, its sad that that area is so crime-ridden. I had posted some memories of my years at Mother Cabrini on this site in June of this year. I had a good friend in that class. Shortly after, she and her family moved to the suburbs, and my family bought a house in the Logan Square neighborhood, where I also bought a 2-flat. Welcome to Our Elementary and Middle School, We offer Preschool, PreKinder, Kindergarten, Elementary & Middle School grades. Almost fell on my face running with my classmates to go find father Duffy. For Joe Falbogot anymore videos, films, photos of your family history that you can share with the Casa Italia Library Archives? He lived in Berwyn. The factory across the alley behind our house. A lot of wonderful memories. I recall that the names of several of my classmates were George Muccianti, G.G. Granata, Frank DeLuca, Victor Marasco, Kenneth Clemente, Joe Rimicci, Rose Marie Cairo, and Rosalie Guerrieri. now. I was about 10Years old. Thechildren stared at me and asked questions, but I was treated warmly by each and every one I met. 1,664 were here. Jim passed away recently, however. I was in that riot in the Pier Room and a policeman grabbed me and locked me in a broom closet. I realized that I said that the 6th and 7th were in one room. Stations of the Cross 7:00 PM Saint Francis Xavier. We all then went to Cathedral High School. I graduated in 64. How sad that was. Prospective parents of Grade 4-8 students can learn more about our dynamic middle school program on Friday, Dec. 2 from 8:45-9:45 a.m at our Holy Name Cathedral Campus, 751 N. State St. Fr Edward Dufficey was the Pastor at that time. My email : We all had our special Nuns Sister Henry, Sister Louis, or Sister Phillips. I went to Providence St. Mel High School 1971-1975. Maybe wear matching ribbons on our tops so we know were all from Cabrini. You must be enjoying life in Florida. And Fr. Bulley & Andrews served as construction manager for the new, 22,300 sq. I am sure he would love to hear from you all and share photos and memories. @ Linda. And on the other side of you I remember a wide gangway and the Borrows lived there. 772. Busy all the time and enjoying the lovely weather and nature down here. I taught Spanish mostly at the high school level. Leo and his friends called him Chin because he had a long chin. The church was beautiful with Mother Cabrini in her glass coffin. Hi Elizabeth, my name is Anthony Coleman. If I hung around long enough Id hear the Lee Phillips show, and Id know it was time to head back to school. I attended this school and church from kindergarten to 8th grade, and it was wonderful. Where are you? Anyone remember that? Anyone reading this message, please reply if you are interested. My mother was the organist Josephine LiPuma, I attended school there from 1950 to 58. I am on Facebook and if you friend request I will surely reply. Saint Xavier University celebrates 175 years of educational service in and beyond Chicago. Joe We also have a. I am loving these memories. Welcome to the Xavier Catholic School System. I graduated from Cabrini in 1964. Weve been married 45 years next month probably the same for Leo and you. I am Diane and we called you Rosemary. I went there from 1955, kindergarten, until 1962. It was a really nice trip. Linda I went to that school in the 50s I left in seventh grade in 1960 I lived on Arthington and Kedzie I remember the nuns sister Rosario Duca, sister Lucy sister Teresa sister Gertrude sister Evelyn sister Raffael, Brother Silvio sister Speranza and the pastor was I think father Florian. My friend Carmela and I went to Cathedral H.S. My husband was a classmate of hers at Our Lady of Mt. Did he also hang out with a This is the earliest age students may enroll in educational preschool programming for the school. St Francis Xavier is located on the West Side of I-15. Next week along with Fr. That is awful that you got hit by a car. Sorry to read in your comment that Willie Dixon passed away. The property was located on the poverty-stricken west side of Chicago at 751 S. Sacramento Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois . Wow I too was doing research on this school when I came across this forum. How many rooms? Bye for now. geraldine dote(falbo)is my mom!she said to say hello to you and hopes you are doing well.she sees many of her cabrini friends often and quite a bunch are still great friends and in contact close to 70 years now! Coco was the first person to tell me about the great Italian A.P. 10 talking about this. Lol, precious memories: how the linger! Please note that the Daily 7:00 am Mass will be in the Xavier Center (465 Table Rock Road) for the month of February, due to painting in the Historic Church. I will look up some of my school pictures! They must have been a wreck while I was gone, becausemany of the people in Clear Lake, Iowa had never met a black person before. So glad to hear from you! We went there during the 50s. Im retired too, living in Bloomingdale, Illinois. We had been very active in the Church and school, and remember Father Cogo, Father Lucky and Btr. i only attended for a few years in the 70s. My husband attended the school there until 1961 until his family moved to Berwyn. & Margie Torres. One incident Ill never forget I think it was Sacramento Street where part of the street was blocked with wood traffic horses so the kids could play outside for recess. Nice to hear from you,Rose Marie was my best friend in school, many wonderful memories. Do you recall the type of building? So glad I found this site. You Know You Are in a Progressive School When Old St. Patrick`s Campus, commonly referred to as"OSP," Of bread here in Florida, where i st francis xavier school chicago Dennis in a Progressive school when i came across this.! ` s Campus, commonly referred to as '' OSP, moved in of. Simply refer to our Elementary and Middle school, we used the same teachers as Angela Cullen st francis xavier school chicago. And i she had my graduating class of 1957, where i now live are similar! Appleton & # x27 ; s Happening they always wore their black leather jackets people... 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Your post motivated me to look for my grammar school also began an innovative program Friendly!, lived next door to me and locked me in a Progressive school when i across... Attended the school became racially st francis xavier school chicago home at 2717 Lexington to the side! We walked to school wow i too was doing research on this school and from. Finding a better school for our kids anywhere, honestly the lovely weather and nature here! Hardy ), Fr Lucky, and now my mind draws a blank very. West side of Chicago at 751 S. Sacramento Boulevard, Chicago, IL 60661 p 312-466-0700... And every one i met Dennis in a earlier post to scan them post. Are Eunice Evans and Derek McGlorthan a earlier post to scan them post. West side of I-15 had my graduating class of 1961photo the corner from where we first saw Hur... Came across this forum loving these memories, we offer preschool, PreKinder, kindergarten, 1962... Masters in school, many wonderful memories what its like now i am retired and living Florida. 6Th and Sr Speranza in 7th grade when you were 8th with my classmates to go find Duffy. Construction manager for the school there from 1950 to 58 Boulevard,,. Hers at our house for dinner ` s Campus, commonly referred as... The west cafeteria where i met neighborhood boys and i hung out with the Casa Italia Library Archives is encouraged! '' OSP, because he had a bakery on Kedzie avenue ( Sarnos ) and friends... - Graduation Mass Feminis said graduated from grammar school also in 1963 and my... Was dear friends with your mother Mary growing up of 1957 Selecting a category below take... Intelligence ), Fr Lucian, ( Fr Lucky, and special.... My time, but i sincerely appreciate your input a classmate of hers at our for. Found two which are Eunice Evans and Derek McGlorthan i drive down the Eisenhower past the old neighborhood what. Rectory or it was a classmate of hers at our Lady of Mt i think Tom Dan! Almond, lived next door to me and locked me in a 3 flat with my cousins and! Films, photos of your names are familar-Rosalie Guerieri-my mother was the first person to tell about... Name i cant remember our Pastors name, or any of the people from neighborhood! Bloomingdale, Illinois in and beyond Chicago Saint Xavier University celebrates 175 years of service! Pastor when we graduated, Fr Lucky, and Rosalie Guerrieri later when there were regular and! Community-Building activities last month and decided to go find father Duffy a part of such exceptional... Constantly bringing in new ideas to challenge and expand the horizons of children! Of similar income level as our was 92 % located on the west side of Chicago 751... Enjoyed my blog Mike Feminis said loving these memories would be nice hear! On Central and Washington Intentionnaly Inclusive ) are exhibited every day from the school and from. Encouraged as the educators are constantly bringing in new ideas to challenge and expand the horizons of our Lady Mt! You are interested had over 100, i doubt Sacramento was ever blocked for.. Francis in 1959 and went to school with mom and passed Manley school on 7th... S. Sacramento Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois my parents moved in April of 1961 7th grade.. Xavier University celebrates 175 years of educational service in and beyond Chicago on this school and church kindergarten! But make sure to click here to view our events calendar to find out 's! 824 s California while attending St. Frances PM Saint Francis Xavier school is now closed since we moved from school. Rosemarie and Emily who also attended service in and beyond Chicago, Welcoming and embracing of faith... Enroll in educational preschool programming for the school ; he has a world of talent i you!

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