why does naofumi marry melty

She was particularly horrified at how the malignant nobleman resorted to torture and mutilation in order to get his way. She dislikes being treated as a child or being called "second princess" by him and eventually convinces him tocall her by her name instead. When Melty starts showing more intimate attachment towards Naofumi (like asking to be called by her first name), Raphtalia becomes uncomfortable on how close the two were getting. A threat that fell on deaf ears as she was too underpowered to be a viable opponent to him while armed with a replica of the four holy weapons. Naofumi is also aware that Imiya probably has feelings for him, but she decided that she would figure out what to do with it when the waves were over. I will ensure that Melty punishes you if you become a King and behave foolishly like Aultcray." I felt chills staring into her fiery eyes. Naofumi and Meltys marriage in the web novel comes about by accident when Melty bestows upon Naofumi a royal title that technically makes him her fiance. As Naofumi didn't seem to fit any of the bad rumors circulating around the Shield Hero, L'Arc assumed Naofumi to be one of those who pretends to be the Shield Hero. It is through this travel, and the battles they face during it, that they are able to do combo skills together. While Eclair is the deputy governor, Melty manages everything else while Naofumi takes care of the villagers. Whore. However, despite the strain in their relationship with each other and Aultcray's own over-indulgence and favoritism towards her older sister, Malty. Naofumi Iwatani is 20-years old. After finally tracking the whereabouts of Itsuki after the events of the Spirit Tortoise Incident, this leads to a fight between Rishia and Itsuki who was under the influence of numerous Curse Series and was being manipulated by Bitch (who later betrayed him.). Its very likely that the anime will continue down this path, also. Volume 15 Spoilers When Naofumi enters L'Arc's world and ends up befriending Kizuna, they eventually rekindle the old relationship they had before L'Arc tried to kill him. This is largely because he never got the chance to make the same trouble the rest of them did. While Naofumi doesn't realize this, it is revealed that this flirting is partially Sadeena's way to push Raphtalia to pursue her relationship with Naofumi more aggressively. The spear hero is just an idiot so he doesn't exact revenge on him but he does get small paybacks (like in episode 5). When it comes to strength and abilities, Itsuki is pretty strong but . 2 yr. ago. To spur him into action, Naofumi pretended to be villain. After his rampage, Ren finally admits it was his fault that his party died and starts to atone for his sins as he begins training with Eclair while living in Naofumi's village. The character is also known as Mr. Naofumi, Bubba Shield and Master Craftsman. Whore hypocritically still blaming him for her past comeuppance after citing how vengeance breeds vengeance during her punishment only to turn around and give him death threats for her well earned fall from grace. This is seen where her father was visibly shocked to learn of all of his eldest daughter's lies being revealed via the temporary slave brand marked on her set to shock her every time she lied, hinting that Aultcray never even suspected Malty of lying to him. Whenever Melty tried to speak to Naofumi or when she didn't understand why he was so cynical and cold towards her, Naofumi expressed disdain, as he believed she was no different than the other nobles and royalty who looked down on and ridiculed him. Melty is also in the room with orders to look after the raccoon, but she's a blushing, stuttering mess as she watches the proceedings and doesn't know what to do either. She would put on a front of affectionate interaction whenever seen in public or around they're father. He was a doting parent and spoiled her too much. Even going so far as to collude with what remains of many amongst the Sword, Bow & Spear Heroes parties after the Spirit Tortoise incident, adding them to her ranks. He has a short but significant adventure with her until his name is cleared by her mother. Mirellia lost all hopes on her and decided to name Melty, her second daughter to be the first in line to the throne. Since then, Malty continues to try to hurt and/or undermine Naofumi; still pining to Motoyasu in outrage about how her mother gave the Devil of the Shield his own plot of land and a nobility title. This was mainly driven by Fohl's sister-complex and Atla's repeated rampages and advances towards Naofumi. However, due to Eclair's terrible governing strategies Naofumi put Melty in charge of governing his village instead of Eclair. Aultcray was still shown to be greatly horrified at his oldest daughter's forced confession of her attempts to kill Melty for the throne, implying that his favoritism to his oldest child doesn't cloud his judgment in matters regarding his second daughter's safety and that he also loves Melty just as much as his first daughter. Though, I did hear from some people who can probably read Japanese Valentine's Day and White Day side stories that Naofumi and Raphtalia also had . After this, Trash resigns himself to remain silent in front of Naofumi, unlike previously when he would create a ruckus against him. She's the first person,after Erhard, to take his sideafter what Malty did to him, and the one who ultimately succeeds in bringing him out of his despair. However, Naofumi has to live with the long-term consequences since Fohl has become wary and untrusting of Naofumi, though they do eventually mend their friendship. Raphtalia matures rapidly from a child to a young adult within a week or two due to the effects of her level grinding and her being a demi-human. When his world was under attack for a second time, Ethnobalt came to Naofumi for help. Hepurchased her as anegg from the same slave trader that he obtained Raphtalia from. As Ren explains how his party was murdered during the Spirit Tortoise Incident, he calls them weak and blames his now deceased party members for their deaths and not himself, causing Naofumi to call him out for this. Its important to stress that what happens in the web and light novels might not translate to the anime, as each variation has made slight amendments. During the battle against the Phoenix, Atla was able to fulfill her promise to be Naofumi's shield and sacrificed her life to protect him. However, Melty still loved her sister, and was unhappy about her impending execution, and was grateful when Naofumi decided to spare her. How did Naofumi become a god? Malty's nasty behavior mixed with the church's influence and her raging jealousy prompts her to constantly obstruct Naofumi's journey and attempts to get stronger in the vilest of ways without a hint of remorse. It is Naofumi's main dream to be able to one day capture Witch and reciprocate all of the evil which has been done to him. While he knew he was being used by her, he also knew that she needed him, so he was willing to put up with it. Since he saw his sister as perfect, he considered Naofumi an enemy who was trying to harm his dear sister. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Glass later notes her intention was to destroy Melromarc's world by killing off its heroes in order to save her own world, . Pope Balmus held Malty and the entire royal family in contempt as a blight on the nation, citing how they're abuse of their station was an insult to the pride of the clergy standing as gods apostles on earth. Through her unique magic, she was able to provide assistance in battle and even prevent Naofumi from being overcome by his Shield of Wrath. Bitchy attempts to use her craftiness and appeal to put on a faade of contrition towards Naofumi, with the intention of nullifying her punishment. He follows any orders given to him and is unable to lie. A significant sign of this new friendship is when Naofumi gives Glass the recipe for soul-healing water, a concoction that didn't exist in Glass's world, which helps cover her SP weakness in battle. Melty and Eclair seem to have compatible personalities. An Orca demi-human who was Raphtalia's family guardian before the Waves destroyed Raphtalia's village. In each of those encounters, Naofumi recognized Shadow from the rest of the shadows only by the particular way of speaking about her. In order to grow their numbers; Bitchy opted to manipulate the now fallen Itsuki's cursed series Pride Bow to brainwash a number of Melromarc's citizenry to the cult's side. The Rising of the Shield Hero Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. When she gave the choice of punishment for Malty to her greatest victim. Naofumi's relationship with Itsuki is very strained, to put it politely. "No, er He also holds Naofumi in high regard and follows his requests, such as implementing the Power-Up systems and learning a new language. Later, when the charges on Naofumi were absolved by the Queen, the Spear Hero refused to accept Malty was behind the framing of the Shield Hero for the longest time; Motoyasu even agreed to shoulder her debt to some extent. She was a school friend of Myne a.k.a. Who is the weakest hero in Shield hero? Naofumi trusts her implicitly. Naofumi, seeing Itsuki in his current condition, brings him to his village where Rishia continues to look after him. Later, Ren along with Itsuki points her involvement in the foul play of the Sacred Duel between Naofumi and Motoyasu and stands for Naofumi. Does Naofumi marry melty? Even still, Itsuki still held Naofumi in some contempt on the grounds that he was stealing credit for a couple guild missions he underwent. As self-serving psychobabble that was helpful to them and them alone while being detrimental to everyone else around them. Answer: There is also the webnovel, which follow a different route compared to the light novel and the manga, that is the one I will talk about. In their final battle against Kyo, the two eventually develop a bond of deep mutual trust. However, due to her actions of helping Takt and her later encouraging him to kill Queen Mirellia, her own mother, and him later doing so to her own pleasure, Aultcray was shown to have been completely horrified by his own daughter's actions and later fell into shock upon realizing Malty's true character. Raphtalia is very open about her feelings to Naofumi, who slowly starts to reciprocate. Like the other three Legendary Heroes, Ren was led to believe Naofumi was guilty of the charges of "raping" Malty. As Ark planned, Naofumi ends up becoming a god by the end of his journey and can fight Medea on equal ground. How did Naofumi become a god? The Rising of the Shield Hero Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. With so many potential relationships, who does Naofumi end up with in The Rising of the Shield Hero? The series builds a large number of characters and relationships, which leads to inevitable questions on who does Naofumi end up with in The Rising of the Shield Hero. Their time together strengthens their bond to the point they are willing to risk their lives for the other. Why does Glass kill naofumi? Possessing one of the Legendary Weapons . This relationship is further strained due to how Melty is next in line for the throne despite being the youngest princess, much to Malty's bitterness due to believing she, as the oldest princess, deserves the throne by birthright. Mirellia blames Malty for turning her husband into an idiot, as she notes that Aultcray was "Magnificent, before we had a child," and noting that Aultcray spoiled her rotten. Bitch going so far as to direct Ren and Itsuki; under the effects of their own curse series holy weapons, into attacking the Shield Demon and manipulating a great many of the kingdoms subjects into assailing him & his during a staged populist uprising. When the 1st Princess's past actions are brought to light by the Queen he, alongside Ren, agrees with her punishment was befitting of the former princess's actions. But the two are sidetracked when Raphtalia tries to alleviate hostilities, only escalating them when the traitorous ignoble flat out insults Naofumi to her face. He is grateful and apologetic towards Naofumi after he is told directly by him that he had to clean up the messes that Ren caused because of his careless actions. Understandably, Raptalia hates Malty for what she did to Naofumi and holds her as a personal enemy. When Whore approached Ren and Itsuki after the Spirit Tortoise incident, she tricked them into believing that Naofumi was the real evil and that she was the victim, again referring him as the "Shield Demon." Even though her spiteful behavior plays a major part in . Sometime after the Spirit Tortoise incident, Malty approached the Bow Hero and took advantage of his psychological instability like she had done to Ren. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. ago. After the Spirit tortoise incident, she abandoned her teammates and left without turning back. Motoyasu would continually believe Malty's words and cause Naofumi and his party trouble. However, Naofumi's attitude changes when he loses what little respect he had for Itsuki after finding out that he kicked Rishia out of his party under the pretense of a crime that he and other party members orchestrated against her. Failing to repent for past crimes, much less accept that she got what she deserved and barely avoided getting a lot worse. The fact they were both serious otaku in Japan means they sometimes get into serious discussions their other friends cannot follow at all. When the three other Legendary Heroes, along with the King and Malty, attempt to sabotage Naofumi's ability to excel by forcibly removing the master-slave relationship between him and Raphtalia, she rebels against her new status as a free woman and willingly chooses to restore her Slave Crest at Beloukas' tent in order to remain beside Naofumi. Telling him all kinds of lies to convince Itsuki she was trying to save people from slavery and that the "Devil of the Shield" was truly evil. Later upon recovering thanks to Naofumi, Aultcray orders her execution despite his personal attachment to her for the sake of his country and finally have Malty pay for her crimes. He gets rid of the cold, lonely, and cool persona he was trying so hard to maintain for a genuine hard-working attitude. The fact that she cleared his name and punished her husband and daughter for their mistreatment of him seemed to be the crux of their relationship. Even still colluding and directing multiple vanguards of the waves to come after the Shield numerous times after secondary punishment in the form of a political marriage. In all versions of the story, Melty often struggles to understand her feelings for Naofumi, which is to be expected given her age and position as a relatively sheltered royal. He was thrilled to fight Naofumi and enjoyed the resourcefulness of the Shield Hero. The two became close comrades when Melty joins her, Naofumi, and Filo in their quest against Church of the Three Heroes who were conspiring with Malty against Naofumi with more false charges. Naofumi's second real comrade and slave. He, along with other Heroes, believed Malty's false rape charges on Naofumi and berated him as well. Ren was the first to notice Malty's attempt to kill Melty and begins to deeply suspect of her as well as the Three Heroes Church, starting his own independent investigation into their affairs with Itsuki. Ruft currently sees Naofumi as basically an older brother. However, she proved to be a valuable ally in defeating the corrupted Guardian Beast. It was through this journey that Naofumi begins to see she is very different from the other nobles and royalty but still finds her rather naive. In the "Reprise of the Spear Hero", due to Motoyasu already having known of her truly reviled personality and his own mental instability causing him to see her only as "a red oinking pig", she could no longer manipulate him to do her bidding and he actively avoided her, causing her to instead latch on to Itsuki and successfully fool him to do whatever she wants with little trouble and no remorse. Related: The Best Anime Waifus of All Time. Malty being who she was, grew irate and insulted by the revelation and promised to murder the pope for betraying; in her words, the next queen. Eventually, Naofumi did indeed marry Melty (and several other women, including Raphtalia) and in effect became Trash's son in law. Both of them treated each other as equals, but she acknowledged his worth both politically and as a Holy Hero. As she spends time within Naofumi's village, she gains confidence and immense fighting skills. She points out how Naofumi has saved many demi-humans from slavery, gave them a home, and has worked tirelessly to help them. Eventually, Naofumi did indeed marry Melty (and several other women, including Raphtalia) and in effect became Trash's son in law. Melty replied, but halfway her eagerness turned into a flash of pain and pleasure as Naofumi brought her down until their hips met with a wet, meaty slap. This is first demonstrated when Melty attacked Motoyasu who was holding Filo captive. For example, the web novel finishes with Naofumi essentially ending up with everyone in a harem, but this was changed in the light novel adaptation. Fearing her mother's wrath towards him, Melty rushes to mend his relationship with the Shield Hero but fails due to the Hero's constant refusal. Here's the information about naofumi married melty we've already People use search engines every day, but most people don't know some tricks that can help them get better search results, for example: when searching for "dog", "dog -black"(without quotation marks) can help you exclude search results that contain "black". By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. L'Arc also tends to envy Naofumi due to Therese's attention to him due to how skilled Naofumi is at creating accessories, this has led L'Arc to practice his skills in creating accessories a lot, which is why which all her classmates began to say that her face became one similar to Naofumi's. Because Melty has never seen a Filolial like Filo (her large appearance, ability to speak, and ability to take a human form) before, this interest grew even further. Does Naofumi marry melty? Melromarc is also a Matriarchy. in the same way Why did the king hate the shield hero? The two almost being killed by the unethical Church on Whore's mention only to be saved by Queen Mirellia's Shadows afterward. Who is the weakest hero in Shield hero? Bow Hero wants to be a hero so bad he sometimes rushes in with bad judgments. How did Naofumi become a god? Once having easily convinced the Spear Hero of falsely claiming Naofumi had something as ridiculous as a "brainwashing shield", by which he supposedly mind controlled people around the country into accepting him. Dunno, all I know is that I read someone saying that Naofumi ended marrying Raphtalia, Sadeena and Melty. Regardless, their time together has made Raphtalia and Melty share a strong mutual trust. She felt that, in the near future, Malty will abandon Motoyasu and she hopes to claim him for herself. She also acts according to Naofumi's darker actions such as torture. She was framed for breaking one of Itsuki's accessories by another member of the Bow Hero's party, with Itsuki himself being a willing participant of it after Rishia inadvertently stole the spotlights that he wanted for himself during a clash with Glass and the Heroes from another world. After Itsuki's curse is lifted, the two heroes have a heart-to-heart conversation. so far in the LNs (including untranslated novels, which are up to volume 22) Naofumi only has intentions to marry Raphtalia and is only in a relationship with her. Assuming you are familiar with the a. By the time Naofumi return to her world for a second time, Glass sees him as a valuable ally to fight alongside. When the Queen returns and clears Naofumi's name, she allows him to mete out punishment to the King, Naofumi immediately asks for the death penalty, but is talked down to a less extreme punishment that results in changing the King's given name to "Trash." When Naofumi hatches Gaelion the dragon, Filo and Gaelion compete for Naofumi's affection, much to his annoyance. She (alongside her father in the web novel) would attempt to poison some food prepared for the Shield at her mothers behest. What is the cast of Shield Hero? The information and terminology on the article will be based on the source material rather than the adaptions. Working with their sect to further discredit Naofumi by murdering her younger sister, second princess Melty because their mother; Queen Mirella, chose the latter to take the throne over her firstborn. When afterthe Shield Hero's name was cleared, the queen had her & Aultcray completely stripped of their royal status. At first Naofumi was suspicious of Ost since she claimed to be a familiar of the Spirit Tortoise. She knows all of Malty's wrongdoing in the party and also her involvement in kicking others out, but played along to keep herself in the team. As a fan of Filo's species, she longed to meet the Filolial Queen; a dream that came true through Filo's existence. While Itsuki was under the Pride curse and began accusing Naofumi of being evil, Rishia defends Naofumi from Itsuki's baseless accusations. So, get ready for the roller coaster; it will be long, so there is a TL;DR paragraph at the end if you prefer so. These troubling events lead to Naofumi . Naofumi also finds Ethnobalt to be quite an effective intellectual asset and has thought about replacing Filo with Ethnobalt several times, which upsets her when she realizes Naofumi is thinking of it. Does Naofumi marry melty? The two first met when Sadeena, under the alias Nadia, gives Naofumi advice on how the Zeltoble colosseum works. Although Itsuki does stand for Naofumi during the rigged duel and his rebuked funds, he only does so to satisfy his own ego and to indirectly annoy Motoyasu. Naofumi originally believes Ren was cold and heartless, but after seeing him apologize and regret his actions, his views on him have improved. The first time Naofumi met Imiya he had mistaken her for a boy due to her inexperience with beastmen, then Raphtalia explained that Imiya was actually a girl. Ultimately, the King hates the Shield Hero in general, which just unfortunately transferred to Naofumi because of that relationship. As with Ren, Myne later decided to take all his belongings while leaving him in debt, leaving him a similar note of her berating everything about him. The pope's true nature sours Melty's opinion of Melromarc's most holy man when the latter reveals just how far he and his sects nefarious schemes truly stretch. Naofumi's trust of Melty is completely based on Filo's good grasp of character who has complete trust in her. Physical appearance. Does Naofumi marry melty? Naofumi likened Mr. Rabier to be a rather revolting slob of a noble with inflated self-worth. Related: The Strongest Characters in The Rising of the Shield Hero, Ranked. Eventually, as more people joined Naofumi's village, Filo's romantic advances towards Naofumi dies away. The Shield Hero anime is adapted from a light novel, which itself is an adaptation of a web novel series. Baseless accusations he obtained Raphtalia from and immense fighting skills gets rid of the Spirit tortoise incident, she to... Previously when he would create a ruckus against him since she claimed to be a valuable in. Obtained Raphtalia from with bad judgments to make the same trouble the rest of Shield. Home, and has worked tirelessly to help them mirellia lost all hopes her... 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